


the casino's infinite wisdom had them spotting my wife $115 per week in March to coax us back

wow. Could she just... take the money every week and not gamble it?

I wasn't super able to imagine having the resources to do such when I was younger.
But staying somewhat conservative for a couple decades made it possible despite an expensive divorce along the way.

Thanks, this gives me hope. It might take me some time, but I'll get there

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

> wow. Could she just... take the money every week
> and not gamble it?

No. You can only keep winnings on it. So you keep track of what your machine pushes were worth, and when you hit what they gave you, you know the rest is yours (assuming there is a "the rest"... :-) ).

> Thanks, this gives me hope. It might take me
> some time, but I'll get there

Based on what I've read of you and our interactions, if you don't get there there's something seriously wrong with your locale... or your wound up with inexplicable - and hopefully not insurmountable... - for-shit luck along the way.