


I agree on the "online community myth" thing. No community has ever existed in history that hasn't been in the presence of others IRL, I think. And clones of like-minded people to either backup the original person's words or otherwise be seen as "non-conforming" to the narrative that is being presented - that is almost like "Online Communicae 101". What's worse is when it is taken to an extreme example and someone will fall all over themselves to kiss the ring of, promise their first-born child to, a person/group of people on the WWW they find "neat". A stark contrast to finding like-minded people that you/I/anyone feel are on the "same level of"...status, so to speak.

It is what it is, though. I cannot make the world a better place (stopped trying years ago, actually), and I feel avoiding places where the ring-kissing/child-promisers frequent has made "not caring" much easier (namely sites like Twitter, and Mastodon, etc.). We are all who we are - no need to "be better" or (voluntarily) "be less" than anyone else. :)

Good to see ya, bud

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