

hey, Inquiry (it's me, TMO) - don't mean to pester ya at The Midnight, but W.a just started doing comments with Remark.as, and I thought you'd like to know :)

I'm thinking of going back to W.a from Ghost (in all likelihood, I will). And, I need to pop into M.p more often for late night coffee (been a while since I put anything here).

Hope you're good, friend.

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

> hey, Inquiry (it's me, TMO) - don't mean to pester ya
> at The Midnight, but W.a just started doing comments
> with Remark.as, and I thought you'd like to know :)


I do appreciate the update.

I've had a bit of priorities shift, write.as drawing a shorter stick therein. My current plan/subscription goes about another week, and I'll be letting it fade into the ASCII abyss.

Actually, your timing is rather interesting, as I went on a bit of a "TMO hunt" a week or so ago, coming to the conclusion therein that you'd left write.as.

I mean, talk about some serious icing on a write.as departure cupcake! :-)

> I'm thinking of going back to W.a from Ghost (in
> all likelihood, I will). And, I need to pop into
> M.p more often for late night coffee (been a while
> since I put anything here).

It's gone fairly quiet. Naturally, I assume that's my fault. :-)

> Hope you're good, friend.

Typical life ups and downs. Looking for another job after a fairly disastrous foray into teaching middle school kids math and compsci.
