Wishing I were young again.
Seriously? Come on, if I got to travel back in time, I'd be as stupid again as I was last time. For sure. I would not make a better impression on the pretty girls, I would not have a single dime more in my pocket. I would have to spent the exact same amount of work, pain, desperation while plowing the field of physics, trying to find the door and wondering how I got there in the first place ... sigh. No thanks. Not again. The pretty girls don't look for me now, but I definitely have a few more dimes to spend. I'd rather stay "here".
The context of "Wishing I were young again" was different in what I wrote (including the admittedly cryptic hint in the title ("eth") that some ethanol *may* have been involved in the writing of the post) than isolated unto itself.
But point(s) taken in the more restrictive context you *may* have assumed I intended when you responded.