2020-04-21T00:09:25 #kisslinux <dilynm> Unsure about that one specifically, tho I can use wifi and a USB mouse and flash drive no problem
2020-04-21T00:13:23 #kisslinux <aarng-> you can set your hostname in /etc/hostname too, no need for inittab shenanigans
2020-04-21T00:14:24 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> heh, i'll make sure to remember that.. this install failed utterly :(
2020-04-21T00:14:49 #kisslinux <dilynm> I'm not sure if a grub issue means it utterly failed
2020-04-21T00:14:59 #kisslinux <aarng-> was about to say
2020-04-21T00:15:05 #kisslinux <dilynm> That's always the biggest point of failure on a lot of distros, like arch
2020-04-21T00:15:07 #kisslinux <aarng-> fix your grub, no need to reinstall
2020-04-21T00:15:25 #kisslinux <dilynm> If you don't fix your grub you'll probably just hit the same issue anyways
2020-04-21T00:26:46 #kisslinux <muevoid> Is it possible to install the KDEFrameworks without dbus?
2020-04-21T00:27:55 #kisslinux <Crestwave> E5ten: Maybe I wasn't clear enough (I *was* about to go to bed), but I did mention that Bash sets variables with builtins temporarily unless in POSIX mode, which could be why you're confused.
2020-04-21T00:29:24 #kisslinux <Crestwave> I actually generally avoid behavior like this (other notable difference is aliases not enabled by default in non-interactive sessions) so you can just do `bash ./script`.
2020-04-21T00:30:21 #kisslinux <Crestwave> Also, I don't think that IFS=a for is valid?
2020-04-21T00:31:16 #kisslinux <Crestwave> Yeah, it's invalid. I'm not aware of any keywords that you can set variables for like that
2020-04-21T03:58:20 #kisslinux <muevoid> Anyone get an issue in firefox with webrtc where the audio is choppy? It only happens with webrtc normal videos and audio are fine
2020-04-21T04:17:55 #kisslinux <dilyn> *whistle* https://github.com/dilyn-corner/KISS-me/releases/tag/v5.14.2
2020-04-21T04:30:02 #kisslinux <muevoid> Oh nice!
2020-04-21T04:30:30 #kisslinux <muevoid> I'm trying surf one more time and really hoping I can get youtube working
2020-04-21T04:30:58 #kisslinux <muevoid> Is it possible to compile ffmpeg with streaming support without any "bloated dependencies"
2020-04-21T04:59:51 #kisslinux <muevoid> I was this close to greatness
2020-04-21T05:09:12 #kisslinux <dilyn> mere inches
2020-04-21T05:09:14 #kisslinux <dilyn> can't stop now
2020-04-21T05:09:42 #kisslinux <muevoid> ls
2020-04-21T05:09:43 #kisslinux <muevoid> lol
2020-04-21T05:09:53 #kisslinux <muevoid> Gimp requires so many dependencies
2020-04-21T05:10:01 #kisslinux <muevoid> I think I got most of them
2020-04-21T05:10:11 #kisslinux <muevoid> But now gimp won't compile
2020-04-21T05:10:17 #kisslinux <muevoid> lol
2020-04-21T05:26:19 #kisslinux <konimex> does qt5 there depend on libstdc++
2020-04-21T05:26:22 #kisslinux <konimex> ?
2020-04-21T05:47:43 #kisslinux <dilyn> it shouldn't
2020-04-21T06:03:24 #kisslinux <muevoid> is there a easier way to get rid of old unused dependencies
2020-04-21T06:07:32 #kisslinux <E5ten> konimex: for me on my system where clang uses libc++ it doesn't, I think it just uses whatever C++ library would normally get used
2020-04-21T06:14:14 #kisslinux <konimex> E5ten, dilyn: I was talking about the pre-generated binary, but seeing as it's in C++ (and built for KISS), I guess it depends on gcc then
2020-04-21T06:16:59 #kisslinux <muevoid> Does KISS have intltool
2020-04-21T06:17:54 #kisslinux <konimex> no
2020-04-21T06:18:24 #kisslinux <muevoid> Kk
2020-04-21T06:20:02 #kisslinux <muevoid> Is it frowned upon or is it ok?
2020-04-21T06:20:51 #kisslinux <konimex> since we removed intltool depend the other day, I guess the former
2020-04-21T06:23:05 #kisslinux <muevoid> Ah well i'll package it myself then since gimp seems to require
2020-04-21T06:27:46 #kisslinux <muevoid> Never mind gettext is too far which it requires so I might try to find a way to disable it in gimp
2020-04-21T06:32:15 #kisslinux <dylan03> jedavies: I use ccache with defaults.
2020-04-21T06:37:32 #kisslinux <muevoid> Hmmm I found someone who tried to package gimp a while back
2020-04-21T06:37:55 #kisslinux <dylan03> Hostname can be set using /etc/hostname fyi.
2020-04-21T06:38:54 #kisslinux <dylan03> You should be able to remove the gettext/intltool requirements of basically everything.
2020-04-21T06:39:02 #kisslinux <dylan03> dbus is a little harder though still possible.
2020-04-21T06:39:30 #kisslinux <dylan03> What people don't realize about the absence of dbus is that it's one of the simplest things to package for your own use.
2020-04-21T06:40:17 #kisslinux <muevoid> Yeah the person who was packaging gimp sounds like they got it to work without gettext or intltool but never uploaded the patch anywhere
2020-04-21T06:42:58 #kisslinux <dylan03> Here's dbus for those wanting it: https://termbin.com/8y6c
2020-04-21T06:43:11 #kisslinux <muevoid> What's wrong with dbus?
2020-04-21T06:43:42 #kisslinux <muevoid> I'm honestly curious I roughly know what it does however not exactly
2020-04-21T06:46:18 #kisslinux <dylan03> I personally have no use for it. I don't like that it has the ability to launch its own daemons, it can bridge over to root processess, it maintains a UUID for your system which is then read by sofware linking to dbus, etc.
2020-04-21T06:46:30 #kisslinux <muevoid> Ah gotcha
2020-04-21T06:46:58 #kisslinux <muevoid> I'm having trouble with zathura opening pdfs I installed both zathura and zathura-pdf-poppler
2020-04-21T06:47:07 #kisslinux <muevoid> However it says could not determine file type
2020-04-21T06:47:20 #kisslinux <dylan03> The practicle reason is that once its in the repositories, there'll be no effort (and it'll become harder) to remove it from existing software.
2020-04-21T06:47:37 #kisslinux <muevoid> Ah gotcha
2020-04-21T06:47:41 #kisslinux <muevoid> That makes sense
2020-04-21T06:47:55 #kisslinux <dylan03> I maintain that it's easier to add components to your system than it is to remove them.
2020-04-21T06:48:00 #kisslinux <muevoid> I'm trying to avoid it as well just because it's another thing to have installed that I may not need
2020-04-21T06:48:16 #kisslinux <dylan03> meuvoid: I'd contact the maintainer.
2020-04-21T06:48:30 #kisslinux <dylan03> > Cédric <cedric⊙vo>
2020-04-21T06:48:31 #kisslinux <muevoid> I pinged them on the issue that was open in the community github repo
2020-04-21T06:48:34 #kisslinux <dylan03> Ah
2020-04-21T06:48:41 #kisslinux <muevoid> closed!
2020-04-21T06:48:44 #kisslinux <muevoid> closed*
2020-04-21T06:48:46 #kisslinux <muevoid> my bad
2020-04-21T06:49:07 #kisslinux <muevoid> Do you still accept screenshots for the website?
2020-04-21T06:51:51 #kisslinux <dylan03> I do
2020-04-21T06:52:11 #kisslinux <muevoid> Where would I send them to your email?
2020-04-21T07:00:09 #kisslinux <dylan03> muevoid: Just one screenshot and here or to my email. I don't mind.
2020-04-21T07:00:25 #kisslinux <dylan03> fehawen: Thank you so much! :)
2020-04-21T07:21:46 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i have no idea what's wrong with my install, grub.conf looks.. too large for my taste
2020-04-21T07:21:54 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> it keeps crashing at grub and reboots
2020-04-21T07:22:31 #kisslinux <fehawen> dylan03: You're welcome. Was meant to send it much earlier as a laptop contribution. Better late than never though I suppose heh.
2020-04-21T07:23:01 #kisslinux <dylan03> All good. :P
2020-04-21T07:31:12 #kisslinux <dylan03> Woah. Last Python 2 release is out.
2020-04-21T07:31:22 #kisslinux <dylan03> And we're still stuck with it. :D
2020-04-21T07:31:28 #kisslinux <dylan03> Thanks web browsers
2020-04-21T07:31:39 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> hey dylan03, got any idea how can i check what's wrong with my install? it crashes after showing grub in the top left corner and then reboots
2020-04-21T07:32:12 #kisslinux <dylan03> Send your grub.cfg?
2020-04-21T07:32:18 #kisslinux <dylan03> Should be in /boot/grub/grub.cfg
2020-04-21T07:34:32 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan03: ehh dunno how can i get all of the contents to my main machine or to some paste
2020-04-21T07:34:42 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> terminal doesn't span long enough for all the text
2020-04-21T07:35:16 #kisslinux <dylan03> You can boot a live-ISO, mount your drive(s) to /mnt and upload the contents of the grub.cfg
2020-04-21T07:36:05 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan03: here it is https://paste.debian.net/hidden/4a51f360/
2020-04-21T07:37:19 #kisslinux <dylan03> > root=/dev/sda3
2020-04-21T07:37:26 #kisslinux <dylan03> Is this the location to your /?
2020-04-21T07:40:18 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan03: yes
2020-04-21T07:56:09 #kisslinux <dylan03> Hm
2020-04-21T07:56:22 #kisslinux <dylan03> And your .config file for your kernel?
2020-04-21T08:08:57 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan03: ehh, where is that kept? :/
2020-04-21T08:10:03 #kisslinux <dylan03> In the sources with the kernel
2020-04-21T08:10:21 #kisslinux <dylan03> When you ran 'make' to build the kernel
2020-04-21T08:17:37 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i cannot find it O.o
2020-04-21T08:27:46 #kisslinux <mcf> did you build your kernel with CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC? if so, zcat /proc/config.gz
2020-04-21T08:29:59 #kisslinux <yury> yury
2020-04-21T08:29:59 #kisslinux <yury> help
2020-04-21T08:50:36 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i found it
2020-04-21T08:51:09 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> it was in /var/db/kiss/installed/linux-5.6.5
2020-04-21T10:02:13 #kisslinux <dylan02> TwistedFate: Did you package the kernel?
2020-04-21T10:09:54 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: i don't know what you mean, i followed these steps though https://paste.debian.net/hidden/aac48a84/
2020-04-21T10:13:23 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: i managed to copy/paste the .config http://dpaste.com/2KX1H7V
2020-04-21T10:14:24 #kisslinux <dylan02> I'm asking why it's in that directory
2020-04-21T10:14:49 #kisslinux <dylan02> You shouldn't really touch /var/db/kiss/installed/ unless you know what you're doing.
2020-04-21T10:15:08 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: because that's where i wget the sources
2020-04-21T10:15:41 #kisslinux <dylan02> I'd move it elsewhere
2020-04-21T10:15:44 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i followed the instruction from the website step by step, i haven't changed the directory
2020-04-21T10:15:54 #kisslinux <dylan02> Are you using EFI? (CONFIG_EFIVAR_FS=y if so)
2020-04-21T10:16:32 #kisslinux <dylan02> You're supposed to use your brain a little and ask yourself: "Where do I want to put the kernel sources? How do I want to manage this from now on? etc"
2020-04-21T10:16:54 #kisslinux <dylan02> Do you have an NVME drive? (CONFIG_BLK_DEV_NVME=y if so)
2020-04-21T10:17:16 #kisslinux <dylan02> What hardware do you have?
2020-04-21T10:17:18 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> got mobo with dual bios but legacy is enabled, no nvme
2020-04-21T10:17:24 #kisslinux <dylan02> Nice
2020-04-21T10:17:44 #kisslinux <dylan02> Any messages at boot from the kernel itself?
2020-04-21T10:17:58 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i don't get to the kernel
2020-04-21T10:18:08 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> it just straight up goes to grub loading screen after post
2020-04-21T10:18:18 #kisslinux <dylan02> Ah
2020-04-21T10:18:26 #kisslinux <dylan02> Grub may be failing to locate the kernel
2020-04-21T10:18:46 #kisslinux <dylan02> Output of: 'ls -1 /boot'?
2020-04-21T10:19:27 #kisslinux <dylan02> (You'll have to boot a live-CD and mount the drive(s) again)
2020-04-21T10:19:38 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> /var/db/kiss/installed/linux-5.6.5 # ls -1 /boot
2020-04-21T10:19:38 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> System.map-5.6.5
2020-04-21T10:19:38 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> grub
2020-04-21T10:19:38 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> vmlinuz-5.6.5
2020-04-21T10:20:06 #kisslinux <dylan02> Nice, thanks. That looks fine
2020-04-21T10:20:27 #kisslinux <dylan02> What hardware do you have? Is it a laptop? (Which model if so)?
2020-04-21T10:20:58 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: desktop, intel i5 4460, mobo gigabyte G1.Sniper B5
2020-04-21T10:21:06 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> 8gb ram
2020-04-21T10:21:20 #kisslinux <dylan02> The output of 'fdisk -l /dev/sdX' might be helpful as well (to see if the issue is disks/partitions/fs)..
2020-04-21T10:21:27 #kisslinux <dylan02> (Replace sdX with your disk)
2020-04-21T10:21:33 #kisslinux <dylan02> Thanks for specs
2020-04-21T10:22:01 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/612902f7/
2020-04-21T10:22:47 #kisslinux <dylan02> boot/efi, swap and then / right?
2020-04-21T10:23:03 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> boot, swap and /
2020-04-21T10:23:08 #kisslinux <dylan02> Gotcha
2020-04-21T10:24:04 #kisslinux <dylan02> OK. I think we can safely rule out partitions and grub now.
2020-04-21T10:24:14 #kisslinux <dylan02> I presume everything is ext4?
2020-04-21T10:24:30 #kisslinux <TwistedFate>  /boot ext2, / ext4
2020-04-21T10:24:37 #kisslinux <dylan02> Thanks
2020-04-21T10:24:50 #kisslinux <dylan02> ext2 is disabled in your kernel: # CONFIG_EXT2_FS is not set
2020-04-21T10:25:00 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> drat
2020-04-21T10:25:02 #kisslinux <dylan02> Though you have: CONFIG_EXT4_USE_FOR_EXT2=y
2020-04-21T10:26:09 #kisslinux <dylan02> > Allow the ext4 file system driver code to be used for ext2 file system mounts. This allows users to reduce their compiled kernel size by using one file system driver for ext2, ext3, and ext4 file systems.
2020-04-21T10:26:13 #kisslinux <dylan02> OK, this seems fine.
2020-04-21T10:29:00 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i enabled ext2 and will rebuild
2020-04-21T10:33:51 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> still the same problem.. 'GRUB loading.' and then reboots
2020-04-21T10:37:02 #kisslinux <dylan02> Hm
2020-04-21T10:50:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i think i know what the issue was
2020-04-21T10:50:14 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i'm starting from scratch and will let you know
2020-04-21T11:00:19 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> btw dylan02, is it ok if i use old way of setting up fstab, without UUIDS?
2020-04-21T11:24:51 #kisslinux <jedavies> dylan02: regarding ccache, how does it work for you then?  Since isn't the file path part of the hash? So since KISS always builds in a different directory you never get a cache hit?
2020-04-21T11:25:07 #kisslinux <jedavies> I tried setting export CCACHE_BASEDIR="$PWD" in build files, definitely works then
2020-04-21T11:31:16 #kisslinux <dylan02> TwistedFate: Sure
2020-04-21T11:32:01 #kisslinux <dylan02> jedavies: Did you look at 'ccache -s'?
2020-04-21T11:32:01 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i just tried cd /var/db/kiss/installed && kiss build * and after a long while it said, error no space left on the device
2020-04-21T11:32:15 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> even though there's nothing else on the disk and it's a fresh install..
2020-04-21T11:32:29 #kisslinux <dylan02> What does 'df' say?
2020-04-21T11:33:01 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i don't remember the exact values, but it showed a lot of free space so i re-ran it
2020-04-21T11:34:18 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> is there a remote chance that kiss build uses over 100 gigabytes when doing it's thing?
2020-04-21T11:47:43 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> -> xz Building package (20/21)
2020-04-21T11:47:43 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> -> xz Extracting sources
2020-04-21T11:47:43 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> tar: write error: No space left on device
2020-04-21T11:47:43 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> !> xz Couldn't extract xz-5.2.5.tar.bz2
2020-04-21T11:47:43 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> /var/db/kiss/installed #
2020-04-21T11:48:15 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/e02ca4d8/
2020-04-21T12:05:25 #kisslinux <dylan02> Nope
2020-04-21T12:07:17 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: what could be causing this? O.o
2020-04-21T12:27:43 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> and can i resume the build from where it failed or do i have to start all over again?
2020-04-21T12:30:41 #kisslinux <konimex> have you checked your HDD space
2020-04-21T12:31:11 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> konimex: i have, 130GB free
2020-04-21T12:33:02 #kisslinux <lieu> dylan02: `kiss i` hangs when a pkg depends on a pkg which, in turn, depends on that pkg.
2020-04-21T12:33:21 #kisslinux <lieu> That is, if the dependency is explicit.
2020-04-21T12:53:32 #kisslinux <dylan02> 'kiss i' on its own?
2020-04-21T13:02:03 #kisslinux <Crestwave> TwistedFate: Try checking `df -i`?
2020-04-21T13:13:23 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> /var/db/kiss/installed # df -i
2020-04-21T13:13:23 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> Filesystem              Inodes      Used Available Use% Mounted on
2020-04-21T13:13:23 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> /dev/sda3              9232384        15   9232369   0% /kiss
2020-04-21T13:13:23 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> /dev/sda1                65536        11     65525   0% /kiss/boot
2020-04-21T13:13:23 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> udev                    998791       464    998327   0% /dev
2020-04-21T13:25:01 #kisslinux <abi`> any errors regarding sda in dmesg?
2020-04-21T13:32:49 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> abi`: would dmesg be from the kiss chroot or the host system?
2020-04-21T13:33:07 #kisslinux <lieu> dylan02: No. Suppose `eudev` is installed and has `util-linux` mentioned in its depends file. And `util-linux` has `eudev` mentioned in its depends file as well.
2020-04-21T13:33:26 #kisslinux <abi`> TwistedFate: the system you booted from.
2020-04-21T13:33:55 #kisslinux <lieu> If you build util-linux, all goes well. But then, when you install it, kiss hangs.
2020-04-21T13:35:36 #kisslinux <dilynm> Twistedfate: are you trying to install this in a chroot?
2020-04-21T13:37:31 #kisslinux <lieu> I tracked it down under pkg_depends(). I guess it happens when a certain package finds an explicit dependency on itself (coming from another package, ofc).
2020-04-21T13:38:08 #kisslinux <lieu> I thought rsync was broken or something lol
2020-04-21T13:42:09 #kisslinux <lieu> dylan02: and btw, should baseinit "just work" with sysvinit?
2020-04-21T13:44:20 #kisslinux <muevoid> I was originally trying to get gimp to compile however after going through more github issues I saw that they mentioned azpainter which is now what I'm using and I really enjoy it so far!
2020-04-21T13:46:44 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilynm: yes
2020-04-21T13:47:39 #kisslinux <dilynm> Did you mount --bind the directory to itself beforehand?
2020-04-21T13:47:53 #kisslinux <dilynm> MueVoid: why not try Krita
2020-04-21T13:48:55 #kisslinux <muevoid> Not a huge fan of qt applications and would prefer to avoid dbus which im almost certain is needed to compile the KDEFrameworks
2020-04-21T13:49:01 #kisslinux <muevoid> I may be wrong however though
2020-04-21T13:50:20 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilynm: i haven't, only mounted like this 'mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/kiss' etc
2020-04-21T13:51:53 #kisslinux <dilynm> MueVoid: does it require that? I haven't noticed
2020-04-21T13:52:00 #kisslinux <dilynm> But yes qt is gross xD
2020-04-21T13:52:20 #kisslinux <dilyn> TwistedFate: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/46169
2020-04-21T13:52:40 #kisslinux <dilyn> (the fact that it's arch is irrelevant)
2020-04-21T13:53:45 #kisslinux <muevoid> I'm pretty sure I was trying to package it since I originally was using falkon as my browser and had qt anyways. It wouldn't compile due to KF5-Blank missing Blank replaced with tons of different kde framework packages. So im pretty sure again however may be wrong I ended up moving on and trying gimp since I was planning on switching to a webkit2gtk browser but that didn't work out so now Im using
2020-04-21T13:53:51 #kisslinux <muevoid> azpainter and then surf as my browser.
2020-04-21T13:54:30 #kisslinux <dilyn> #ifitworks
2020-04-21T13:55:25 #kisslinux <muevoid> dylan02 would gstreamer,gst-plugins-bad,gst-plugins-good, and gst-plugins-base ever be accepted into the repos so webkit browsers have support for video and audio?
2020-04-21T13:56:01 #kisslinux <muevoid> by repos I mean the community one obvisously
2020-04-21T13:57:19 #kisslinux <onodera> is it just painting or image editing too muevoid ?
2020-04-21T13:57:44 #kisslinux <onodera> krita is amazing if you are serious about painting, imo it is better than photoshop for something like a proffesional concepartist
2020-04-21T13:58:38 #kisslinux <muevoid> I mainly use it just for drawing and I believe that is the main purpose. It may be a good photo editor too. And yeah krita is great however I don't need extremely much I usually sketch in a paint program just for references for blender or inkscape. And even for larger paintings/drawings I do I think this program will be plenty for me.
2020-04-21T13:58:54 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilynm: oh, you suspect it's still using disk space from the live session and not the drive i want
2020-04-21T14:03:36 #kisslinux <dilyn> i just know that when i'm in a chroot if i don't bind mount the root to itself i end up just working in devtmpfs
2020-04-21T14:07:45 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilynm: sorry, i don't think i ever used --bind option, is this the proper way to mount then? 'mount --bind /dev/sda3 /mnt/kiss'
2020-04-21T14:08:04 #kisslinux <dilyn> `mount --bind /mnt/kiss /mnt/kiss`
2020-04-21T14:08:34 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> does this mean that i have to start all over again?
2020-04-21T14:08:54 #kisslinux <dilyn> no
2020-04-21T14:09:06 #kisslinux <dilyn> just exit, mount it, and re-enter
2020-04-21T14:13:50 #kisslinux <dilyn> very rarely in linux does one have to 'start over'
2020-04-21T14:14:47 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilynm: thanks, i just did that and re-ran the kiss build * command
2020-04-21T14:15:10 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilynm: i was afraid that it installed/built previous packages in some sort of 'void' for the lack of a better word
2020-04-21T14:15:19 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> and that i'll have to start over
2020-04-21T14:15:28 #kisslinux <dilyn> naaaaahhh
2020-04-21T14:15:44 #kisslinux <dilyn> but wouldn't *that* be a fun problem
2020-04-21T14:16:02 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> no, my hair pulling days are over and i don't want them back :D
2020-04-21T14:16:04 #kisslinux <eudaldgr> hi, anyone tried to build `gcc-6`?
2020-04-21T14:16:45 #kisslinux <muevoid> To rebuild all installed packages I just cd into /var/db/kiss/installed/ and run kiss b right?
2020-04-21T14:16:55 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> kiss b *
2020-04-21T14:17:09 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> that's what it says in the instructions at least
2020-04-21T14:17:16 #kisslinux <muevoid> Thanks
2020-04-21T14:17:28 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> np
2020-04-21T14:17:29 #kisslinux <muevoid> this will be fun :)
2020-04-21T14:21:49 #kisslinux <lieu> o/
2020-04-21T14:23:36 #kisslinux <muevoid> Anyone know why zathura can't open pdf files I have poppler installed
2020-04-21T14:32:42 #kisslinux <dylan02> No idea
2020-04-21T14:33:07 #kisslinux <dylan02> The maintainer is your best bet (or you can find another user).
2020-04-21T14:34:00 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilyn: just to report, your solution fixed the problem, it built and installed without issues now
2020-04-21T14:34:26 #kisslinux <dilyn> hooray!
2020-04-21T14:36:23 #kisslinux <dilyn> muevoid: I *just* installed zathura* and it seems to open pdfs just fine for with no extra fuss
2020-04-21T14:39:00 #kisslinux <muevoid> Hmmm
2020-04-21T14:39:16 #kisslinux <muevoid> I have raylib_cheatseet.pdf but it won't open for some reason
2020-04-21T14:39:39 #kisslinux <dilyn> open it via command line and see if it says anything?
2020-04-21T14:40:03 #kisslinux <muevoid> I just would run zathura raylib_cheatsheet.pdf right?
2020-04-21T14:40:09 #kisslinux <dilyn> mmhmm
2020-04-21T14:40:13 #kisslinux <muevoid> warning: failed to execute command: Failed to execute child process “file” (No such file or directory)
2020-04-21T14:40:16 #kisslinux <muevoid> error: Could not determine file type.
2020-04-21T14:40:42 #kisslinux <dilyn> welp, now you know why it won't open
2020-04-21T14:42:20 #kisslinux <dylan02> Install file :D
2020-04-21T14:42:28 #kisslinux <dylan02> Get it added to the depends file of zathura
2020-04-21T14:43:49 #kisslinux <muevoid> Ohhhhh
2020-04-21T14:43:57 #kisslinux <muevoid> I didn't know file was a package
2020-04-21T14:44:01 #kisslinux <muevoid> thanks lol
2020-04-21T14:44:19 #kisslinux <muevoid> I guess that makes sense
2020-04-21T14:44:23 #kisslinux <muevoid> Im slow sometimes
2020-04-21T14:46:43 #kisslinux <dylan02> :P
2020-04-21T14:46:44 #kisslinux <dylan02> All good
2020-04-21T15:01:59 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: dilyn new problem :/ this time grub won't install
2020-04-21T15:02:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> /home/linux-5.6.6 # grub-install /dev/sda
2020-04-21T15:02:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> Installing for i386-pc platform.
2020-04-21T15:02:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> grub-install: warning: cannot open directory `/usr/share/locale': No such file or directory.
2020-04-21T15:02:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> grub-install: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).
2020-04-21T15:06:29 #kisslinux <dilyn> is your boot partition mounted?
2020-04-21T15:07:17 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> yes, df -h shows everything twice though.. https://paste.debian.net/hidden/8f91ebeb/
2020-04-21T15:07:55 #kisslinux <dilyn> is that outside the chroot?
2020-04-21T15:08:04 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> from chroot
2020-04-21T15:09:06 #kisslinux <dilyn> why is boot mounted on /kiss/boot inside your chroot?
2020-04-21T15:15:17 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilyn: i don't know, i just followed a guide from a previous distro i used
2020-04-21T15:16:06 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilyn: is that going to create issues within the system?
2020-04-21T15:17:06 #kisslinux <dilyn> the only issue it'd cause is that no program that cares about /boot knows where it is
2020-04-21T15:17:11 #kisslinux <dilyn> just remount it to /boot
2020-04-21T15:18:21 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilyn: like this from the chroot? 'mount /dev/sda1 /boot'
2020-04-21T15:18:29 #kisslinux <dilyn> mmhmm
2020-04-21T15:18:40 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> do i have to bind it again?
2020-04-21T15:18:43 #kisslinux <dilyn> no
2020-04-21T15:18:58 #kisslinux <dilyn> because you're mounting an actual disk to a point this time
2020-04-21T15:19:32 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilyn: my root is mounted on /kiss, should i do the same with it?
2020-04-21T15:20:38 #kisslinux <dilyn> well you shouldn't have had to mount /
2020-04-21T15:29:09 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilyn: what i did was, i created the partitions and mounted them beforehand, to /mnt/kiss and /mnt/kiss/boot from the live session
2020-04-21T15:29:24 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> then i changed dir to them and downloaded the chroot thingy and started working from there
2020-04-21T15:30:09 #kisslinux <dilyn> so you did `tar xvf kiss-chroot.tar.xz -C /mnt/kiss --strip-components 1`
2020-04-21T15:30:25 #kisslinux <dilyn> `./kiss-chroot /mnt/kiss`
2020-04-21T15:30:26 #kisslinux <dilyn> ?
2020-04-21T15:30:36 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> no, `tar xvf kiss-chroot.tar.xz -C /mnt --strip-components 1`
2020-04-21T15:30:49 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> .'/kiss-chroot /mnt'
2020-04-21T15:32:55 #kisslinux <dilyn> so your /mnt directory has a bunch of folders like bin, usr, sbin, etc, ... + kiss?
2020-04-21T15:33:35 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i think so, yes. can't confirm since things are building now
2020-04-21T15:35:13 #kisslinux <dilyn> well that probably won't help too much considering /dev/sda3 is in /mnt/kiss, and /mnt/kiss is empty
2020-04-21T15:36:02 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i re-mounted those as /dev/sda1 /boot and /dev/sda3 /
2020-04-21T15:44:53 #kisslinux <illiliti> github is down again...
2020-04-21T15:45:19 #kisslinux <muevoid> really?
2020-04-21T15:46:07 #kisslinux <illiliti> https://www.githubstatus.com/
2020-04-21T15:46:21 #kisslinux <muevoid> Oof
2020-04-21T15:46:25 #kisslinux <muevoid> gitlab > github
2020-04-21T16:55:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> -- Creating llvm-readelf
2020-04-21T16:55:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> -- Installing: /root/.cache/kiss/pkg-3880/llvm/usr/bin/llvm-reduce
2020-04-21T16:55:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> CMake Error at build/tools/llvm-reduce/cmake_install.cmake:41 (file):
2020-04-21T16:55:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate>   file INSTALL cannot copy file
2020-04-21T16:55:07 #kisslinux <TwistedFate>   "/root/.cache/kiss/build-3880/llvm/ #
2020-04-21T17:01:11 #kisslinux <dylan02> What are you building?
2020-04-21T17:07:26 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: i'm at this step 'kiss b xorg-server xinit xf86-input-libinput'
2020-04-21T17:20:40 #kisslinux <dylan02> So the llvm build is failing?
2020-04-21T17:20:48 #kisslinux <dylan02> That's what it looks like to me.
2020-04-21T17:20:54 #kisslinux <dylan02> Send the full build log!
2020-04-21T17:21:48 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i re-ran it, gonna take a while
2020-04-21T17:24:02 #kisslinux <dilyn> failed build logs are stored in ~/.cache/kiss/logs
2020-04-21T17:28:06 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> drat! it failed again
2020-04-21T17:28:48 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> this time differently
2020-04-21T17:35:56 #kisslinux <claudia> ola!
2020-04-21T17:37:51 #kisslinux <claudia> I am trying to build binarys which are interchangeable between different machines.
2020-04-21T17:38:16 #kisslinux <claudia> Installguide says cflags just without "march=native"
2020-04-21T17:39:15 #kisslinux <claudia> On kiss chroot release the cflags are "-march=x86-64 -mtune=generic"
2020-04-21T17:39:30 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> -- Installing: /root/.cache/kiss/pkg-5238/llvm/usr/bin/llvm-readobj
2020-04-21T17:39:30 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> CMake Error at build/tools/llvm-readobj/cmake_install.cmake:41 (file):
2020-04-21T17:39:30 #kisslinux <TwistedFate>   file INSTALL cannot copy file
2020-04-21T17:39:30 #kisslinux <TwistedFate>   "/root/.cache/kiss/build-5238/llvm/build/bin/llvm-readobj" to
2020-04-21T17:39:33 #kisslinux <dilyn> those flags would built generic x86-64 binaries
2020-04-21T17:39:35 #kisslinux <claudia> I want to build binarys for kiss-i586
2020-04-21T17:40:09 #kisslinux <claudia> so for 32bit something like "-march=i586 -mtune=generic"?
2020-04-21T17:41:13 #kisslinux <claudia> when I omit the -march=i586 would it automatically build i586 generic binarys since its i586 anyway where it is build=
2020-04-21T17:41:14 #kisslinux <claudia> ?
2020-04-21T17:42:10 #kisslinux <dilyn> assuming you're using a native toolchain, binaries built would be able to be run on that system. if you omit -march it probably defaults to generic, so it would run on any chip w/ similar architecture
2020-04-21T17:44:02 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> great, i can't pull the log
2020-04-21T17:44:15 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i'm using ssh to remote in to the second machine where the chroot is running
2020-04-21T17:44:41 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> the log has way to many lines so i can't copy them, how can i pull the log out?
2020-04-21T17:44:49 #kisslinux <claudia> I thouhgt In this direction. But I am questioning because the installguide and and the github chroot release differ in cflags, but from my understanding they should be identical for building interchangeable bins
2020-04-21T17:45:49 #kisslinux <dilyn> twistedfat: echo $(<.cache/kiss/logs/$logname) | curl -F 'f:1=<-' ix.io
2020-04-21T17:45:57 #kisslinux <dilyn> will print a url you can give
2020-04-21T17:47:16 #kisslinux <dilyn> the install guide just assumes the simplest scenario, you're building packages for your system and not some generic one
2020-04-21T17:47:26 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> aha! i used nc and termbin
2020-04-21T17:47:33 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> here's the fail log xorg-server xinit xf86-input-libinput
2020-04-21T17:47:39 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> erm, here https://termbin.com/zzgr
2020-04-21T17:49:51 #kisslinux <claudia> allright
2020-04-21T17:51:25 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dylan02: dilyn this is the one from when it failed the first time https://termbin.com/hp7k, this is the second time it failed https://termbin.com/zzgr
2020-04-21T17:52:03 #kisslinux <dilyn> the last line of the first log you sent says 'no sp' is there anything in the log that's printed after that
2020-04-21T17:53:53 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> that should be the whole thing, let me check though, because i opened them with vim and i don't know how to use it properly
2020-04-21T17:54:18 #kisslinux <dilyn> G to skip to bottom of file
2020-04-21T17:56:02 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> dilyn: just checked, that's the end of it
2020-04-21T18:02:38 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> i give up
2020-04-21T18:02:45 #kisslinux <mcf> `echo $(<...)` <- fancy non-portable way of writing `cat`?
2020-04-21T18:04:03 #kisslinux <dilyn> eah lol
2020-04-21T18:04:25 #kisslinux <dilyn> i'm at work and i couldn't think of cat >.<
2020-04-21T18:05:29 #kisslinux <mcf> `"/root/.cache/kiss/pkg-5238/llvm/usr/bin/llvm-readobj": No sp` sounds te me like the beginning of "No space left on device", before you ran out of space
2020-04-21T18:05:39 #kisslinux <dilyn> ^
2020-04-21T18:06:21 #kisslinux <TwistedFate> it came through my mind too
2020-04-21T18:35:37 #kisslinux <E5ten> konimex: about to make a PR to eudev to make their make usage POSIX-compatible, if it gets merged then you should be able to switch it to bmake after the next release
2020-04-21T18:48:47 #kisslinux <E5ten> konimex: what's the error with libxml2 and bmake?
2020-04-21T19:49:32 #kisslinux <ax> evening
2020-04-21T21:45:06 #kisslinux <muevoid> Hello! I am having a slight problem I have things in my ~/.profile just aliases and they work fine in tty but in xorg they dont work until I do sh -l. How do I fix this?
2020-04-21T21:46:44 #kisslinux <ax> have you read FAQ ?
2020-04-21T21:47:02 #kisslinux <muevoid> I have not I'll go read it
2020-04-21T21:47:36 #kisslinux <ax> paste your profile please in termbin
2020-04-21T21:47:43 #kisslinux <muevoid> kk
2020-04-21T21:47:58 #kisslinux <muevoid> https://termbin.com/8rja
2020-04-21T21:48:55 #kisslinux <ax> what you use ? bash ?
2020-04-21T21:49:08 #kisslinux <ax> i read only alias ...
2020-04-21T21:49:38 #kisslinux <muevoid> I use sh I am quite stupid do they not work with sh?
2020-04-21T21:49:54 #kisslinux <ax> transfer them to your default login shell file
2020-04-21T21:49:57 #kisslinux <ax> and it work
2020-04-21T21:50:09 #kisslinux <muevoid> K thank you
2020-04-21T21:51:13 #kisslinux <ax> I suggest doing before thanking ... but in theory profile does not automatically read if the default login shell file is not specified
2020-04-21T21:51:32 #kisslinux <ax> that's why if you do sh -l you call it and obviously it works afterwards.
2020-04-21T22:08:21 #kisslinux <aarng> aliases shouldn't be in profile
2020-04-21T22:09:32 #kisslinux <aarng> you can set the "ENV" environment variable to a file which should get executed in every interactive shell
2020-04-21T22:10:47 #kisslinux <aarng> as in `file=~/.config/sh/interactive; [ -r "$file" ] && export "ENV=$file"`
2020-04-21T22:12:41 #kisslinux <ax> is what I tried to make you understand without writing the soluzone .... because it is clear that he does not know how it works even sh ... and this is bad for his sake.
2020-04-21T22:13:17 #kisslinux <ax> s/soluzone/solution sorry
2020-04-21T22:13:46 #kisslinux <ax> my keyboard in degenerative phase