2019-11-09T02:38:35 #kisslinux <nestman> pfetch palette doesn't work
2019-11-09T07:14:54 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> nestman: more info?
2019-11-09T07:46:07 #kisslinux <kissalreadyused> Hi o/
2019-11-09T07:59:42 #kisslinux <kissalreadyused> Is therey any info. about how to execute scripts after boot, before login on kiss linux? Like those in /etc/rc.d/rc.local in other distros?
2019-11-09T08:11:05 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> You can use runit services.
2019-11-09T08:11:27 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Or: ::once:/path/to/script
2019-11-09T08:11:43 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> (Second line goes in /etc/inittab)
2019-11-09T08:19:18 #kisslinux <nestman> dylanaraps: im not sure now. it's working on st 0.8.2
2019-11-09T08:19:25 #kisslinux <nestman> and on tty as well
2019-11-09T08:19:43 #kisslinux <nestman> but not on my patched st (master)
2019-11-09T08:21:57 #kisslinux <nestman> update: works on st master (unpatched)
2019-11-09T08:22:25 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> What patches do you use?
2019-11-09T08:23:03 #kisslinux <nestman> clipboard, scrollback, and selectioncolors
2019-11-09T08:23:18 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> I have a feeling it's selectioncolors.
2019-11-09T08:23:45 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> > This removes the default
2019-11-09T08:23:46 #kisslinux <nestman> i'll check
2019-11-09T08:23:48 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> behaviour which would simply reverse the colors.
2019-11-09T08:23:49 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Yup
2019-11-09T08:23:53 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> It breaks reverse video.
2019-11-09T08:24:02 #kisslinux <nestman> oh i see
2019-11-09T08:24:05 #kisslinux <nestman> damn
2019-11-09T08:27:12 #kisslinux <nestman> it was using the selection bg color
2019-11-09T08:27:35 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> That's a dumb patch really.
2019-11-09T08:27:35 #kisslinux <nestman> bummer
2019-11-09T08:27:42 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Should be implemented properly.
2019-11-09T08:28:18 #kisslinux <nestman> do you have pointers on that?
2019-11-09T08:31:55 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> What does the patch actually do?
2019-11-09T08:32:37 #kisslinux <nestman> allows to have a different selection bg color instead of reversing bg and fg
2019-11-09T08:33:20 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Ah
2019-11-09T08:33:29 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> And to do so it rips out reverse video.
2019-11-09T08:34:17 #kisslinux <nestman> yes
2019-11-09T08:37:13 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> You'd have to write a new patch which doesn't break reverse video. But to me it sounds like selections are built around reverse video by design.
2019-11-09T13:15:25 #kisslinux <scx_> hi
2019-11-09T13:15:40 #kisslinux <scx_> anyone around
2019-11-09T13:25:03 #kisslinux <retard> ye-
2019-11-09T13:25:07 #kisslinux <retard> o
2019-11-09T14:26:40 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> scx_: hello
2019-11-09T14:39:53 #kisslinux <neeasade> dylanaraps: the kisslinux wiki implementation is sexy
2019-11-09T14:45:41 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> ty
2019-11-09T14:45:48 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> The idea popped into my head.
2019-11-09T14:45:52 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Worked surprisingly well.
2019-11-09T14:46:38 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> neeasade: Fixed the palette. https://github.com/dylanaraps/pfetch/pull/35/commits/8dd5981fbc3b47ebd3108360b0278da9561428c6
2019-11-09T14:47:46 #kisslinux <neeasade> neat
2019-11-09T14:48:03 #kisslinux <neeasade> I learned yet another thing emacs shell does not support is the inverse esc code
2019-11-09T14:48:03 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Time to try and rid it of 'r'.
2019-11-09T14:48:13 #kisslinux <neeasade> so I did like a:out=$(printf "$out" | sed 's/[3/[4/g')
2019-11-09T14:48:16 #kisslinux <neeasade> but ehhh
2019-11-09T14:48:20 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Well, it's not really a terminal.
2019-11-09T14:48:23 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> That's the issue.
2019-11-09T14:48:27 #kisslinux <neeasade> right, it's a shell
2019-11-09T14:48:50 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> It should really support 'r' though..
2019-11-09T14:48:59 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> It's such a basic "feature".
2019-11-09T14:49:09 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> (Support it properly I mean)
2019-11-09T14:49:43 #kisslinux <neeasade> sure -- and I could change it locally or PR it upstream but cbf -- the git blame where r cutoff is touched is like 18 years old
2019-11-09T14:49:54 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> oof
2019-11-09T14:51:01 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> This is interesting: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/41417
2019-11-09T14:53:19 #kisslinux <neeasade> that is interesting
2019-11-09T14:54:31 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Does comint-inhibit-carriage-motion fix it? I wonder
2019-11-09T14:56:09 #kisslinux <neeasade> no -- it just makes it not interpereted if it's t
2019-11-09T14:56:19 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> oh
2019-11-09T14:56:22 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> :(
2019-11-09T14:56:28 #kisslinux <neeasade> IE if I set it to the non-default: https://0x0.st/zEZs.png
2019-11-09T14:57:05 #kisslinux <neeasade> so it is interpreted, it's just wrong/deletes to EOL
2019-11-09T14:57:27 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Back to the drawing board.
2019-11-09T14:57:56 #kisslinux <neeasade> was my solution just ehh because of the subshell/
2019-11-09T14:57:58 #kisslinux <neeasade> ?
2019-11-09T15:00:21 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> Your solution uses multiple subshells and pipes.
2019-11-09T15:00:27 #kisslinux <dylanaraps> I think there's a simpler solution.
2019-11-09T15:01:35 #kisslinux <neeasade> coolio -- a-ok with me just was not sure
2019-11-09T20:04:57 #kisslinux <dylanara1> https://u.teknik.io/cOhuq.jpg
2019-11-09T20:05:02 #kisslinux <dylanara1> It's beautiful.
2019-11-09T23:02:19 #kisslinux <paradigm> I'm particularly fond of how you're running your web browser as another user.  It's a good practice people don't leverage enough.  Also, naming things is a famously hard problem in computer science and you nailed this one.
2019-11-09T23:10:16 #kisslinux <dylanara1> Thanks. It works really well.