For me the "arduous-ity" remains the same (yes, a now somewhat ancient song reference..) regardless the degree of "familial-arity". These days I take the for-shit ratio of satisfaction to effort in communicating with others evidence the more blessed direction is becoming unfamiliar with distinction between alleged "self" and alleged "others", because so stark an implied conceptuality context misalignment is akin to considering misunderstanding a lottery win.
There's really nothing to do by sink back into the awareness from which notions aka re-presentations (of un-re-presentational <this text represents the ineffability thereof>) first establish a seeming subject of all non-subject to the point of said subject becoming painfully convinced of being *that* separate.
While your kilometre-age may vary, the following verbiage continues to have the best chance of provoking deliverance relative to "my" particular conceptuality context, all past studies considered:
abide in awareness with no illusion of person you will be instantly free and at peace