how do I ok hold on maybe I should try this again in the morning we'll just upload until it works, I suppose date: 240102 category: phlog It's night, or what passes for it, and I'm committed. First day on the Zaibatsu, and I left all my meaningful equipment back at my "home" all day, and now it's "late" and I've gone through my welcome packets and mail and minibar and cetera. Nonetheless, I'm eager to join the network proper, and I don't want to wait, so let's go. Me: Jason. Librarian. Real name, real job. I appreciate privacy and anonymity but like my words to have a name attached, and I've certainly been around trad Internet spaces long enough that pure privacy is impossible. I'll get an aboutme.txt file going soon enough. I make music when I can, I write tabletop role-play adventures when I can. I've trained myself to single space following sentence-level punctuation when working in richer-text, but I can untrain. I desperately, desperately do not want to make things worse by virtue of my conveniences. There's so much promise to connecting amongst a network of inventors, dreamers, firebrands, miscreants, punks. I've a few text-forward projects seeking a space, and this server feels like a better fit than I could have hoped. For the Earth-year 2024, I've aspired toward intentionality and consistency in writing. When I sit to write, it's for a purpose. And I will always sit to write. This server space came to me just as I was spiraling about the wheres and whens of my goals. See. gopher:// I appreciate this space and I'm eager to engage. Talk's cheap, sure, but my hope for this is to routinely participate, share what I'm working on, and not become just a burnt out sundog. I'm digging deep into a c. 1995 CCG, which I hope to document and explore here. I'm participating in a daily dungeon-writing prompt, which seems like a great text-first output. I'm building a minuscule -nix PC for daily writing and minimal networking. It's all very serendipitous. The lights are dimming, now, so I think that will be all. Truly, I'm excited for what the year ahead will bring. -30-