


<laughs> well, as an introvert I prefer the company of myself mostly but I do "socialize" on my own terms and don't mind coming in here and socialize with some of the patrons that frequent this great establishment. It is great to make your acquaintance. Please feel free to join me in a drink and some chinwag whenever I do decide to saunter in here.

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

I envy your sauntering skills, as impatience begets me - leading to greater likelihood of a brisk, determined pace that quite possibly gives some the mistaken impression I'm younger than I actually am.

I'm fine with company, but am ridiculously - yet necessarily - picky. People that don't give others a chance to speak? BZZT. People with nothing to say but variations on the theme of how impressed I'm supposed to be with them, their possessions, etc? BZZT. People unable/unwilling to attempt unfamiliar thought patterns for being stuck in an infinite loop of certainty of being "right"? BZZT. People in a perpetual state of needing to astonish me with "facts"/stories that, for the most - if not nearly all - part, *might* astonish a three year old? BZZT. (With respect to that last one, I can only feign a faux "Are you *KIDDING* me?!??!" look so long before my facial muscles trigger a scream impulse...)

Let's see... what does that leave... like maybe .0000000000001%?

It happens. But as tends to be the case in this dualistic paradise <coughs violently> of a world, it'll likely be balanced by distasteful qualities of similar magnitude.

This place seems to have high enough a concentration to have me think it's just a matter of time before the forces of idiocy come to investigate, and ultimately wreck.