Midnight Pub


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~johano wrote (thread):

Helo, Inquiry, and pardon the absence... sounds like your credit card thing is part and parcel of larger credit card processing outages that have struck recently...

~tffb wrote (thread):

Luckily there is a pool table off to a side room of the bar, Inquiry! I'll play ya, but I have to warn you, i aM TeRrIbLe At iT - never won a game to impress someone or to win money. Ever. I swear it ;)

Honestly, it's been years since I've played pool, but I used to play daily when I was at Job Corps, and was very good at it very quick.

Anyway, enjoy the tequila! I am off the sauce these days, have been for a while, I plan on staying that way, too. I hope the U-Haul/bank fiasco works out, too, and you get refunded soon.
