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Posts from 2018

Year seven of my blogging activity meant the pinnacle of Eerie Linux: While I published less posts than one year before, the page hits further increased after an already incredibly good year 2017. In the end over 25,700 visitors caused more than _46,700_ hits! I published two controversial articles about permissive licenses vs. copyleft and FreeBSD's adoption of a feminist COC. A series on email did not receive much attention and I got distracted after writing part 2. What distracted me was a new cross-platform package system: Ravenports. I wrote multiple articles about it. That year also saw me getting into Solaris land for the first time, taking a look at OpenSolaris derivative OmniOS.

(Jan 2018) "Permissive licensing is wrong?" - No it's not! (2/2)

A comprehensive answer to the people who claim that you shouldn't be using permissive licenses and that the GPL is the only one true license. It's written in dialog style to make it a more enjoyable read.

(Feb 2018) [ ! -z ${COC} ] && exit 1

My view on FreeBSD's new COC: It doesn't mean the end of the project but definitely is a turn in the wrong direction. What matters now is to keep cool and reject this folly in an objective way. The basic idea is not even wrong, but the details are.

(Mar 2018) Introduction to email (pt. 1): Email basics

A general introduction to what email is (terminology, daemons involved, etc.). The post also shows how to setup a mail test VM using vagrant and FreeBSD.

(Apr 2018) Introduction to email (pt. 2): Mail dialog / the "mail" command

Part two of the series explores the classical _mail_ command and talks about concepts like inbox and mbox.

(May 2018) Modern-day package requirements

This post discusses the why and what of today's *nix package management.

(Jun 2018) Ravenports: A modern, cross-platform package solution

An introduction into the new universal packaging system _Ravenports_ that already runs on DragonflyBSD, FreeBSD, Linux and Solaris/Illumos.

(Jul 2018) Ravenports: Status update and the Dragonfly case

An update on Ravenports as well as a bit of background on Pkgsrc and DPorts for DragonFly BSD and how they lead to Raven.

(Aug 2018) A look beyond the BSD teacup: OmniOSce installation

This post is about trying out OmniOSce, an illumos distribution. It gives a little background from a *BSD perspective and details the installation process.

(Sep 2018) Exploring OmniOS in a VM (1/2)

In this post I write about my first ever contact with the Solaris world. I cover the topics _manpages_, _services_ and _user management_.

(Oct 2018) Exploring OmniOS in a VM (2/2)

Part two of my OmniOS exploration is mainly about network configuration and a conclusion of my first impressions.

(Nov 2018) One year of flying with the Raven: Ready for the Desktop?

This post is a reflection of the Ravenports project after I've been involved with it for one year.

(Dec 2018) Ravenports explained: Why not just join XYZ?

Ending the year with one more Ravenports article, this one details the reasons why Ravenports exists and what are some of its benefits over other package solutions (especially Pkgsrc).