I put this together so I can nix-shell shell.nix and have all the tools I need for building meshtastic. I save this as shell.nix in the firmware repository root:
with import <nixpkgs> {}; mkShell { buildInputs = [ platformio pkg-config python311 python3Packages.pip python3Packages.protobuf python3Packages.grpcio python3Packages.grpcio-tools esptool just ]; }
Then I can do stuff like:
nix-shell shell.nix pio build
Or for convenience, I have this justfile:
build: pio run flash: esptool.py write_flash 0x00 .pio/build/t-deck/firmware.factory.bin
Then I can just build or just flash to do the compile or load the new firmware onto the t-deck.
updated: 2024-07-07 16:14:14
generated: 2024-08-16