Maybe you've heard already, but I love RSS.
I love it so much that I retrofit sites without feeds into it for the convenience of my favourite reader FreshRSS: working around (for example) the lack of feeds in The Far Side (twice), in friends' blogs, and in my URL shortener. Whether tracking my progress binging webcomic history, subscribing to YouTube channels, or filtering-out sports news, feeds are the centre of my digital life.
There's been a bit of a resurgence lately of sites whose only subscription option is email, or - worse yet - who provide certain "exclusive" content only to email subscribers.
I don't want to go giving an actual email address to every damn service, because:
So what do I do? Well...
I already operate an OpenTrashMail instance for one-shot throwaway email addresses (which I highly recommend). And OpenTrashMail provides a rich RSS feed. Sooo...
If I want to subscribe to your newsletter, here's what I do:
Now I get your newsletter alongside all my other subscriptions. If I want to unsubscribe I just tell my feed reader to stop polling the RSS feed (You don't even get to find out that I've unsubscribed; you're now just dropping emails into an unmonitored box, but of course I can resubscribe and pick up from where I left off if I ever want to).
Obviously this approach isn't suitable for personalised content or sites for which your email address is used for authentication, because anybody who can guess the random email address can get the feed! But it's ideal for those companies who'll ocassionally provide vouchers in exchange for being able to send you other stuff to your Inbox, because you can simply pipe their content to your feed reader, then add a filter to drop anything that doesn't contain the magic keyword: regular vouchers, none of the spam. Or for blogs that provide bonus content to email subscribers, you can get the bonus content in the same way as the regular content, right there in a folder of your reader. It's pretty awesome.
If you don't already have and wouldn't benefit from running OpenTrashMail (or another trashmail system with feed support) it's probably not worth setting one up just for this purpose. But otherwise, I can certainly recommend it.
My note: My FreshRSS installation is the first, last, and sometimes only place I go on the Internet.
My artticle: Subscribing to The Far Side by RSS (using RSSey)
My article: Subscribing to The Far Side using FreshRSS XPath Scraping
My article: XPath scraping with FreshRSS
My article: Making an RSS feed of YOURLS shortlinks
My article: LABS Comic RSS Archive
My article: I Don't Watch YouTube (Like You Watch YouTube)