the beginning of a map

Some symbols have a less obvious meaning.

For example, the passage from Limbo to the open field is one way, so there is only an arrow on one side. Reinforced by lack of direction marker (news) but I might stop using direction markers and only include them when it’s not a cardinal.

                 │  Vas   │
                 │ Square │
                 └────────┘                       △
                     △                            │
                     │                            ▽ 
                     ▽                       ┌───────────┐
               ┌──────────┐                  │ monastery │
               │ Southern │                  │ walls     │
┌───────┐      │   Gate   │                  └───────────┘
│ Limbo │      │  of Vas  │                        △
└───┬───┘      └──────────┘                        ▽
   d└─┐             △                           ┌──────┐
      │             │                           │ path │
      ▽             ▽                           └──────┘
    ┌───────┐    ┌──────┐                          △
    │ Open  │◁──▷│ Road │                          │
    │ Field │    │  to  │                          ▽
    └───────┘    │ Vas  │                       ┌────────┐
                 └──────┘                       │ temple │
                    △                           └────────┘
                    │                              △ out
                    ▽                              ▽ enter
                ┌───────┐    ┌───────────┐    ┌───────────┐
                │ small │    │ west east │    │ road-side │
                │ pond  │◁──▷│   road    │◁──▷│  temple   │
                └───────┘    └───────────┘    └───────────┘

This is all my world contains so far.







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updated: 2023-11-11 15:09:53

generated: 2024-08-16