Local Weather Report

London, UK

📷 Measurements are taken from the same location at the TextCam.

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Most Recent Measurements, taken 2024-08-18 22:40:01 (UTC)

Measurement 	Value 	Units 	Trend 		Min. 	Max.
------------	------	------	------		----	----
Temperature 	22.17	°C 	decreasing 	19.15 	25.17
Air Pressure 	1016.57	mbar 	unchanged 	1010.95	1016.62
Rel.Humidity 	51.91	% 	unchanged 	40.98 	64.18
------------	-----	-----	------		----	----

Charts - Past Day

                         Temperature, last 25 hours
  30 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
  28 |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
  26 |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |                                 *      * **********             |
     |                               * *********         ****          |
  24 |                           ****** **                  ***        |
     |                           * *                           ****    |
     | **                       *                                 ***  |
  22 |  ****                    *                                   ** |
     |    * ****               *                                       |
     |          ****          *                                        |
  20 |             *****     **                                        |
     |                  ******                                         |
     |                                                                 |
  18 |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
  16 |                                                                 |
     |                                                                 |
      -25          -20         -15         -10         -5            0

                              Pressure, last 25 hours
  1018 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
       |                                                                    |
       |                                                                    |
  1017 |                                                                    |
       |                                                                **  |
       |                                                               **   |
  1016 |                                                              **    |
       |                                                             **     |
       |                                                            *       |
  1015 |                                                           **       |
       |                                                          **        |
       |                                                         **         |
  1014 |                                                       **           |
       |                                                  * ****            |
       |                                ****** *************                |
  1013 |                               *      **     **                     |
       |                            ***                                     |
       |                         ****                                       |
  1012 |                     ****                                           |
       |    **** * ***  * ***                                               |
       | ****  ****  ******                                                 |
  1011 |**                                                                  |
       |                                                                    |
       |                                                                    |
  1010 +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
      -25          -20           -15          -10          -5            0

                        Relative Humidity, last 25 hours
  70 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                                                                      |
     |                                                                      |
     |                                                                      |
  65 |                                                                      |
     |                   *****                                              |
     |                  **   *                                              |
     |               ***      ***                                           |
  60 |            ****          *                                           |
     |          **              *                                           |
     |         **               **                                          |
     |        **                 *                                          |
  55 |       **                  *                                          |
     |      *                     ***                                       |
     |    **                         *                                  **  |
     |    *                          ***                               **   |
  50 |   *                             *                               *    |
     | ***                              *                           ***     |
     |**                                *                          ***      |
     |*                                 **                        *         |
  45 |                                    **                     *          |
     |                                     *   **               **          |
     |                                     ** ********  * * ****            |
     |                                      **      ********                |
  40 +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
    -25           -20          -15           -10           -5            0


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