# gemini A Go server implementation for the Gemini protocol. ## About Head over to the go.pkg.dev documentation for examples. => https://pkg.go.dev/source.community/ckaznocha/gemini package documentation on pkg.go.dev => https://gemini.circumlunar.space/ Learn more about Gemini at gemini.circumlunar.space Gemini is not HTTP and as such it isn't a goal if this package to replicate Go's net/http package faithfully. Instead the goal is to provide a Gemini server package that is both idiomatic and ergonomic for the things that make Gemini special. This package is intended do provide everything needed to build spec compliant servers. Properly configured servers cerated using this package will pass the michael-lazar/gemini-diagnostics tests. => https://github.com/michael-lazar/gemini-diagnostics michael-lazar/gemini-diagnostics ### Who's using this package? You can check out a few servers using this package in the wild! This list is not intended to be exhaustive. => gemini://source.community/ source.community - A git hosting service => gemini://clifton.kaznocha.net clifton.kaznocha.net - Clifton's Capsule ## TODO * add Titan protocol support ## Contributing The source code is hosted on source.community which doesn't yet support PRs so contributing is tricky. More info TBD. ## License See LICENSE file