condition: FROZEN
Timechain section = Header 857054:
Welcome, samaritan. You might have access to artifacts from the genesis epoch. With curiosity you can view the content, safeguarded by electrical pulses to prevent information loss.
To be accessed are content, directories, collections, references, communication zones and specifications.
The information is intended to be processed using non-complex technology. Devices made 4 epochs before the genesis block was set in stone, are still compatible although not guaranteed. The device can communicate over radio frequency waves with the capsule, location of receiver is required but it is broadcasted to different gemini stations and stored in their logs.
There are numerous subjects addressed, represented mostly by simple text documents. Links can be visited inside the prgram itself, with possible compatibility services provided by other gemini staions. There are also sections focused upon addressing sets of related content.
Articles that could be usefull
NOSTR can be used to establish contact in a broadcasting manner, when relays are present in sufficient amounts. Otherwise, or for long-distance or private communication, communication using a SimpleX mechanism is more favourable but has limited discoverability.
NOSTR: [0;31m Error=Contact details not received
SimpleX: [0;31m Receiving contact details...