___    __     ______________                   _____
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_____/  \____//_/  \__,_/  \___/ /_/    \__,_/ /_/  /____/ \___//_/

                        Est. 23 January 2021

The Voidcruiser's capsule

Hello and welcome to my little corner in Gemini Space.

My name is Marty (it/its). I live in the Netherlands (as the TLD suggests).

I have no real idea what I am gonna do with this yet. I think it'll be mostly used to scream into the void. With the tiny chance that someone may hear it. If that someone sees value in it, then I have accomplished more then I expected with this.

Obligatory gemlog with infrequent posts

Picture of my desktop circa December 2021

Picture of my desktop circa August 2023

In other words, the place where I scream into the void every now and then.

A few ramblings that have no context and serve no purpose

A few stories

A few story ideas I've had


Things whot I like



Misc things

Other capsules worth checking out

Some bookmarks

YT Channel IDs


Little documentation page about a few things I keep forgetting

Unless otherwise specified, the content of this gempod falls under