// June 21 2023, 1 min read, #jekyll #gemini #programming
So I figured out the issue in my last post. The plugin documentation says it ignores `.md` files, and this is true with posts and pages, but it is _not_ ignoring `.md` files in my projects collection. Collections are probably best explained by the Jekyll documentation. I have submitted a new issue on the jekyll-gemini github for this. My best guess currently is that it just doesn't know to skip things in collections directories? Maybe? The plugin code is very barebones, as the developer says, it is super alpha.
Previous Post: Jekyll and Gemini
Does not ignore non-.gmi files in collections folders · Issue #2 · jebw/jekyll-gemini · GitHub
This post is written in gemtext, targeted at both web and gemini. I think for some of my content I will have to maintain both a .md for web so I can do things like inline links, inline images, and text formatting, and a .gmi for gemini where links and images are handled more gemini-style. Not a HUGE problem, but it is a consideration.
As you can see, if you're on the https site, when the plugin renders gemtext into html for web publishing it does not properly linebreak between the links. The links are properly line breaked (broke?) when rendered as gemtext.
I do expect that paragraph to not make sense eventually, as the gemtext to html renderer gets fixed.
I also need to figure out how to make the pagination work in gemtext, currently jekyll-gemini appears to not recognize that the jekyll-paginate plugin is installed and active -- or rather, it seems jekyll-paginate only operates on index.html, not index.md or index.gmi or anything else. I'm not sure what I have to do to make this work with index.gmi.
I'm largely working off what my particular jekyll theme, Basically Basic, does and translating the output into a gemini theme. It will absolutely not be a one-to-one translation of basically basic. My goal is to eventually get this gemini jekyll "theme" put on github so others can use it too, as the plugin jekyll-gemini does not come with any predefined theme files.