
Disassembling is the inverse action of assembling. Rasm2 takes hexpair as an input (but can also take a file in binary form) and show the human readable form.

To do this we can use the `-d` option of rasm2 like this:

$ rasm2 -a x86 -b 32 -d '90'

or for java:

$ rasm2 -a java 'nop'

Rasm2 also have the `-D` flag to show the disassembly like `-d` does, but includes offset and bytes.

In radare2 there are many commands to perform a disassembly from a specific place in memory.

$ rasm2 -a x86 -b 32 'mov eax, 33' b821000000

$ echo 'push eax;nop;nop' | rasm2 -f - 509090 ```

You might be interested in trying if you want different outputs for later parsing with your scripts, or just grep to find what you are looking for:

pd N

Disassemble N instructions

pD N

Disassemble N bytes


Disassemble all instructions (seeking 1 byte, or the minimum alignment instruction size), which can be useful for ROP

pi, pI

Same as `pd` and `pD`, but using a simpler output.