Bookum Discordia Strix

Or: Chaos for Owls

God is a woman, and her name is Eris, and she's not the only god, and also she doesn't exist. Probably. That's what she told me, anyway.

What follows here is a lightning-round explanation of my personal spiritual philosophy. You will discover it's basically modified Discordianism.

This is not a Bible. If I catch any of you out there actually practicing Discordia Strix, using this text as a prescriptive guide, I will personally show up at your house and slap you in the face. Unless you happen to be into that, in which case I will do something that you will actually find unpleasant.

That said, please be encouraged to take inspiration from my ideas. They say that good artists borrow, but great artists steal. Well, now you can't steal from me because I just gave you permission. Consider your artistic efforts forever hampered by my commitment to information freedom!

This is a living document, and is far from complete. I won't bother with errata though.

The Outright Discordianism

The universe appears to be ordered. This is the Anerisian Illusion. Actually the universe has no inherent structure and behaves more or less randomly.

The universe appears to be random. This is the Erisian Illusion. Actually the universe does quite frequently form regular patterns and seems to follow rules.

The true answer is that Eris thinks it's funny when Stuff swirls around and makes pretty patterns. It's boring if everything is super orderly. It's also super boring if everything stays totally chaotic. Creation comes from the interaction of chaos and order, the hodge and the podge. Thus we see that chaos is not the destructive force it is often made out to be. Rather, both order and chaos can be used destructively, or used creatively.

Our cultural belief in chaos as a force for evil comes from a particularly boring man named Greyface, who in 1166 BC cursed Earth with the teaching that life is serious and play is sin. We counteract this Curse of Greyface with our own, much more powerful Turkey Curse, performed by waving your arms around toward the greyfaced influence while shouting "gobble gobble gobble gobble!" Highly effective.

Discordianism includes other details as well, but these are the primarily important ones to Discordia Strix. The Discordian Calendar is also of importance to DS liturgy (or it will be once I've written some), but I don't feel like reproducing it here.

The Sky and the Earth

Discordia Strix divides fields of knowledge and intellectual activity between the Ouranic and Chthonic. Ouranic endeavours are focused primarily on knowledge for the sake of knowledge. They frequently form complex and self-reinforcing systems with little, if any, practical ties to reality. Chthonic endeavours are focused on getting things done. Complexity is a price to pay for functionality, to be minimized as much as possible.

Ouranic knowledge is associated with the god Uranus, and Chthonic knowledge with Hackate. Despite being opposite ends of a spectrum, however, they are not truly opposed. Ouranic knowledge informs and improves chthonic efforts, and chthonic goals can motivate ouranic inquiry.

The Deities


Lady Ms. Chaos herself, creator of the universe, player of games, champion of the truth of cosmic meaningless. Famous for golden apples and hot dogs.


In old days, when most technology was sufficiently advanced as to be magic, she was called Hecate. These days, however, her role has expanded to all ativity which is magickal in spirit. When impossible results are obtained by surprising means, when wishes are granted by tinkering and tradition, when rites and spells and incantations and arcane artifice make Stuff Happen, Hackate smiles upon it. And sometimes Eris breaks it just for the hell of it.


Old wizard man who is also a big blue ball in space. To the ancient Greeks he was the god of the sky but he doesn't really do that kind of thing any more. Mostly now he sits alone in his funky wizard tower and snacks on pretzels while he thinks about shit and writes down his thinks with a fancy fountain pen. He hasn't showered in fifteen centuries. Nobody can understand a word of anything he writes. With his help, you too can be a smelly shut-in theoretician.


Vidai is the essence of the universe, the breath of meaning that Earthfolk endow upon its blank slate. She is the blackness of night, shimmering with stars. She is the the shade and the light of a summer day. She is the unseen depths of the ocean and she is the crystal-clear beach waters. She's the worms and mushrooms and flies. She's the beauty of a dead universe, and the miracle of a living planet. She's also a crow. Caw caw motherfuckers.


The collective aspirational spirit of the hairless apes that conquered Earth. Prometheus represents everything we could be if we get our shit together: folk with innovation and wisdom, a civilization that wields fire while understanding it does not command it. He is a champion of free information; knowledge, like fire, cannot truly be stolen, and wants to be free! He is our unity, our solidarity, our compassion. He is optimism incarnate and frequently needs more sober minds to thump him on the noggin with perspective.