In response to Ostov's thoughts

🏷 ukraine

Created:   2023-06-27
Copyright: CC-BY-SA 4.0
Language:  en

I couldn't not respond to some zombie utopian thoughts from ruSSia. Just to make sure what people from ruSSia live in different dimension.


Что же дают эти референдумы? Это по сути - красная линия.

One week ago there was picture that Kaliningrad has been "voted" to join Czech republic. This is same nonsense. Nobody believes in their results. Even the author of the post. Same all the World except 5 states from another planet. And these "red" lines has been crossed each time they has been created because nobody accept them.

These referendums were for inner zombie auditory and for Putin itself to believe in their own lies.

Crimea, Kherson, Donbas, Zaporozhye - this is Ukraine. These lands are occupied by country aggressor what does genocide, terrorism on civilians and try to broke everything as barbarians. Where ruSSian boot steps - only blood, ruins and tears.

Да и сами жители понимают, что если Херсон вернется в Украину, для Херсона это значит чистки и поиски виноватых, и жизнь станет нисколечко не лучше. Жители Херсона отлично знают, что если присоединиться к России их щедро вознаградят качественной социалочкой, ремонтом дорог, новостройками, улучшением качества жизни.

Yes and no. Colloborants and people who came to "rule the slaves" or take empty Ukrainian rich houses should run and don't look back. Other thing is that ruSSia can't hold such shame and it will began to bomb the city as way do for such "betrayal".

Let's compare Donbas or Crimea during last 8 years. How much they got from ruSSia speaking in economic way. Nothing more than it was before start of war. And how much they lost during ruSSian paranoid fear of being normal state.

Earlier or later this madness will end. I hope earlier. Слава Україні!

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