What I miss in phpactor

🏷 vim

🏷 php

Created:   2023-08-11
Copyright: CC-BY-SA 4.0
Language:  en

What I miss in phpactor

I has used Vim for coding in python or php since 2008 for 10 years. Then I switched to phpStorm with Vim motions. I did that because of better ecosystem for Symfony projects. All these easy jumpings between definitians and references, easy jump to twig files or routings, at that time we started to add docblocks and phpStorm do that easily. Same things with setters and getters. And the main thing was correct autocompilations and showing errors on the fly. But... it is quite heavy tool and it has a lot of things what I will never use. I'm the fan of minimalism and I am frustrated by all this needless stuff around.

Before switch I was using phpactor[1] as my main helper to code in php. But it was quite young project and time to time I just got into situation that I code only in pure Vim because service is broken. The creator of phpactor Dantleech is awesome but man's time is limitted project went in its temp.

For documentation I was using vim-doge[2]. After some tweaks to templates and some bugfixes from creator Kkoomen I got something similar to behavior of phpStorm.

And now. After 5 years. A lot of has been changed.

So, I renewed my config and started to dig about current situation of LSP services for php. I got two options here: intelephense and phpactor. I even bought intelephense license. But after all configurations I was not happy with intelephense because of lack of features and I switched to phpactor.

This time phpactor looks very promising and only have some yearnings for phpStorm features what are missing.

So, what I'm missing (and maybe I will try to fix them)



None yet.

1: phpactor

2: vim-doge

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