       .'.:::::::`.   Petros Katiforis (Πέτρος Κατηφόρης)
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      \   |   /  \    This post was published on the 27th of August, 2023
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How Mobile Phones Changed Society For The Worse

Mobile phones have only recently taken over society and their side effects have already been brutal. Contrary to popular prejudice, not only have they deteriorated how our generation's children grow up but they've taken their toll on adults too. Adults and kids alike spend their valuable and limited time consuming "entertaining" content combined with advertisements in a pot of low quality effort.

It's true that mobile phones can indeed offer access to public information and free education. As with anything of power though, people and corporations always seem to find ways to exploit its capabilities to further enslave the populations and strictly impede ground-braking thought. Most adults damn themselves to television propaganda and have unconsciously decided to stay on a concealed bubble with little or no plans related to the betterment of their future.

Mobiles are moving advertisement displays, consumption boosters and real-time tracking devices. Following the pretty recent proliferation of "social" media, they've already come to be considered essential gadget for all civilized citizens out there. They've conquered human psychology. Mobile phones have disintegrated social interactions, critical thinking and creativity which is ironically exactly what manufacturers initially claimed their devices would promote.

Socializing Argument

If you own a mobile phone, you're caring with you, at all times, a functioning camera, a working microphone, your browsing history and any sort of data related to your recent activity. Isn't that obviously what mass surveillance actors most eagerly crave for? Please do yourself a favor and either purchase an outdated non-smartphone, a libre (but expensive indeed) model or just get rid of mobile phones all together! You can communicate with friends and relatives using desktop applications and trusted protocols such as Matrix: Your parents did manage to build quality friendships without caring a real-time tracker with them, and so can you!