About KB

KB, or Tov or kitty! Plural entity posting from a terminal in SEQ, Australia. Born 1995. Married with children. Parent of 5 and working full-time because they are expensive. they/them and it/its pronouns most often, she/her and he/him only if I know you get it..

I am a hyperverbal hyperlexic autistic synesthete. I'm a queer guy, a workaholic, a stoned shut-in, and their pet catgirl. I'm physically disabled with ME/cfs and with care and planning my symptoms are currently mild and I manage quite well.


When I'm not at work, reading, writing, or tinkering with the computer, I'm usually:

TV, Movies, Books

I don't really watch a lot of TV and movies and a lot of what I enjoy is non-fiction, so I don't really engage in any kind of fandom-related stuff. In saying that, there are a few things I do enjoy when I'm in the mood for fiction:


I'm not much of a gamer, but I love:
