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You see an odd-looking bookshelf. Pull book?

It's late. You are seconds away from the main street in a small alley. It's quieter here, but you can still hear the sound of chatter, footsteps, and cars from busy downtown. The city is buzzing, the streets are like arteries. You see an intriguing place in the alley, with a moon on its door. It reads "The Midnight Pub".

The Midnight is a virtual pub that lets you write posts and create pages.



Latest posts:

2024-07-09 herdis - Hello, world?

2024-07-09 one_saturn_ring - She's amazing

2024-07-08 rav3ndust - on a rainy monday

2024-07-08 bluish - hello small world

2024-07-08 iazia - On the Job

2024-07-08 inquiry - Seriously? ... SERIOUSLY?

2024-07-07 indoors - Candyfloss

2024-07-06 softwarepagan - The Fluctuating Coolness of Geekdom

2024-07-06 inquiry - ... and then did the wheels veer from the tracks

2024-07-06 inquiry - It's a beautiful morning

2024-07-06 tffb - morning news on the side of a Midwest highway

2024-07-06 detritus - Web economics

2024-07-05 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 28

2024-07-05 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 27

2024-07-04 tffb - an old man, an old (b)log, an old tale to degrade into old time

2024-07-04 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 26

2024-07-04 one_saturn_ring - Scolding him

2024-07-04 inquiry - How many successful hoop jumps does it take to make disparate (despair-ate?) software work together?

2024-07-04 inquiry - No matter

2024-07-04 beefox - the world is beautiful, humanity is beautiful

2024-07-03 rav3ndust - heatwave, bloody heatwave

2024-07-03 tffb - Midnight drifter, and the Pub-logged transition

2024-07-03 apollo - Humanity

2024-07-03 one_saturn_ring - Here I am

2024-07-03 inquiry - Me post too!

2024-07-03 thewizo - A new beginning

2024-07-02 queen_city_nerd - Tech Cha-Cha

2024-07-02 griekspoor - Home, hearth, and family are key.

2024-07-02 inquiry - The glowing tire iron is melting my right palm, and yet....

2024-07-02 shoebx - Backing up data

2024-07-01 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 25

2024-07-01 griekspoor - Let's talk about it.

2024-07-01 markeb54 - Hello, world!

2024-07-01 turboblack - new ICQ

2024-07-01 inquiry - How does one escape the Ctrl-W zone?

2024-06-30 rav3ndust - hello, midnight

2024-06-30 indoors - The Glaks came back

2024-06-30 inquiry - "yesterday" yesterday

2024-06-29 tffb - hi, can The Midnight be my mastodon? ok, thanx

2024-06-29 inquiry - Content drowning in 'Goo'

2024-06-28 walk - You can't trust reviews

2024-06-28 inquiry - Has the political elder abuse finally ended?

2024-06-27 aei - I honestly don't feel accomplished.

2024-06-27 lacklustre_saint - Drunk... again

2024-06-25 lacklustre_saint - Busy

2024-06-25 queen_city_nerd - Right to Repair

2024-06-24 tffb - hello hello hello, Ill be Here

2024-06-23 ecliptik - Today is the Greatest

2024-06-22 tffb - I can write it, jotting on the blog tonight, hold on

2024-06-22 inquiry - The tao that can be stated/told/described is not the eternal Tao

2024-06-21 queen_city_nerd - under-value

2024-06-21 kebabmaster - No country for young man

2024-06-21 beefox - An interesting dream about sex

2024-06-20 inquiry - Raking the script leaves

2024-06-20 turboblack - looking for web 1.0 community

2024-06-20 theoddballphilosopher - Found a Golden Ticket

2024-06-19 tffb - hello, keyboard of shallow depth

2024-06-19 inquiry - A working class blogger is something to be

2024-06-18 inquiry - in the direction of ascii freedom methinks

2024-06-18 orangeninja27 - introduction to the snow

2024-06-18 yungtur0 - yo yo

2024-06-18 tffb - critter in the brush, creeping so quickly

2024-06-17 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 24

2024-06-17 tffb - covered typing

2024-06-16 tffb - in hospital, outa da hospital - here and always, again :)

2024-06-16 queen_city_nerd - Ham Radio

2024-06-16 inquiry - Potentiometer woe

2024-06-15 paul - Has it been that long?

2024-06-15 inquiry - Trying to figure out *where* I - and others - have replied to *who* about *what*

2024-06-14 zampano - we are the law

2024-06-14 lacklustre_saint - Fever mania

2024-06-14 shoebx - Aliases are hard, perhaps impossible, on the modern Web

2024-06-13 inquiry - Just another manic Thursday

2024-06-12 inquiry - 'Tis Wednesday again already....

2024-06-12 queen_city_nerd - Homeownership Part Deux

2024-06-12 queen_city_nerd - The Rodent Revolution

2024-06-12 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 23

2024-06-12 softwarepagan - Wassail!

2024-06-12 shoebx - Hi folks!

2024-06-11 tffb - new display

2024-06-11 inquiry - Pub replies entanglement

2024-06-11 tffb - yay HDMI

2024-06-11 eskimonk - It's 11 PM

2024-06-11 queen_city_nerd - Shavous

2024-06-11 inquiry - A brief glimpse of a specific instance of duality

2024-06-11 walk - Challenge: Write a story.

2024-06-11 tffb - night TV, dark smoke, moving moving moving

2024-06-10 queen_city_nerd - Rodents

2024-06-10 tffb - thought buildup - exhale

2024-06-10 queen_city_nerd - Homeownership

2024-06-10 inquiry - Disaster averted via free theater wifi

2024-06-09 detritus - Burning the library of Alexandria

2024-06-09 inquiry - Faith restored, though briefly lost a little bit again

2024-06-08 lacklustre_saint - Train

2024-06-08 tffb - smart-phoning

2024-06-07 nsequeira119 - Frames Of Reference- Chapter 22

2024-06-07 theoddballphilosopher - The Pain of Loss: Why Nia's Death in Gurren Lagaan Broke Me

2024-06-07 lacklustre_saint - A drink with a view

2024-06-07 kebabmaster - How bout that: Hardcore independence list

2024-06-07 inquiry - Why do software developers hate me?

Next page

All patrons

Midnight Pub - Small alley off mainstreet

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