Incident Report:
Translated by Dr. [REDACTED] at Site-19
Location: Moscow, Russia
Time: XX/XX/2022, XX:XX
Involved Parties:
-Russian Military (270th Motor Rifle Division)
-The Redwood Bureau
-Specimen 245
-Civilians of Moscow
Full Report:
After Specimen 345 breached containment at Site-107 it swiftly infected 90% of Bureau Staff and turning them into 245-1s.
This was first noted when Dr Axel [REDACTED] did his routinely checkup of all Sites located near [REDACTED]. He quickly gathered necessary , realizing the Site was as good as lost, he wiped the last active computer and unlocking the bunker door, quite literally sealing the fate of the remaining personal. Due to the severity of the situation, he engaged an Emergency Protocol which would obliterate the Site with its nuclear warheads. 245 survived and escaped, ending up at the outskirts of Moscow, causing chaos and infecting everyone in its way. This Plague quickly spread to roughly a quarter of the population, when it was noted by the bureau when informed by the Government. Even after sending several ABC-Units (which were killed by the infected), the situation was rapidly devolving into anarchy. The Bureau eventually launched 1 Missile containing [REDACTED] that melted the Infected and paralyzed 245 Moscow to evaporate any anomalous specimen. 245 was contained, several Dash 1s escaped. The Russian Military has been put on high alert. The Ministry of Atomic Science said the Explosions were caused by failed experiments in underground labs. No evidence was leaked.
-12 Million Civilians
-30 ABC-Units
Incident Status: Contained