Another day here, but a nice one. The 4th. Everyone discussing the proximity to fireworks out of the American Flag lined entryway to the old folks home I am currently at (in a "crisis bed" until Monday, then off to the new apartment :))
An odd scene, not one that goes untold in any given society though: question less patriotism in a setting where one may challenge an(y) authority - but, a place like this, where the old and sick can be where they would otherwise be homeless or destitute, it's what they in some respect chose. Or their kids. PS, shoot me in the face if I ever have kids, lol!
So after refusing the dinner of "just beans" because my vegetarianism (and weak stomach) can't handle a cheeseburger, I sit a while for the dining area to clear out, so I can order and eat IMOS Pizza (a stl based pizza joint, also in Farmington) and sit in mostly solace as I chow down on cheese 'za and garlic bread.
The day saw volunteering all day. Granted, a "Holiday" by Clubhouse International standards, but there was stuff that had to be done (make hot dogs, prep potato salad, dishes afterwards). I will be there tomorrow, as well.
So on with the pizza and other things later
Any dipping sauces??? with the za/garlic bread?? :() honestly half the time i order pizza these days the garlicy-bread-pizza-companion is what i anticipate more than the pizza... maybe i need to order better pizza...
Serving food sounds like a blast. I genuinely like feeding other people - especially when I haven't had to pay for the ingredients!
Did they sort the fireworks issue in the end?