All I know is that once meaningful data/content loses its pull much more quickly than discs lose their data.
For example, I'll take (this happened yesterday) spending time seeing the youngest grandchild taking first steps letting go of the swimming pool ladder rail - with looks and facial expressions of infinite wonder peppered with mild fear and/or indecision - over digging through formerly meaningful "content" that at best might occasionally evoke a few moments of "oh yeah... *that*...".
In a way, storage solutions provide ways to put a lot of effort into saving content for a person we'll no longer be anyway. We forget that although the content won't change, we will. We would have to save the current state of ourselves alongside instances of same-time-frame content, then be able to reload that state, and *then* dive into said content to fully appreciate it.
But maybe there's a way to sufficiently categorize "who I am right now" in a way that revisiting it could approach "reloading it unto becoming it"? It would take a lot of imagination and denial (of current state), perhaps something akin to "The Method" in acting? So one would first digest a file containing a sufficiently robust description of "self" at the time, and said "method" would seemingly "make it so"... and than one would quickly digest the All Important Content before doubts about truly being the former instantiation of self started setting in to wreck the, well.. *delusional* party....
It's comprickated, this individuality thang! :-)