wanting is defining now as lacking then wondering how it got that way a simple generic velveeta on a bread whose name I don't recall still does more for me than gourmet whatever the problem with a joe biden as a leader is seeing it affects you in a way you can't hide from just like yesterday's performance crowd at the senior center my wife announced I could perform most beatles songs on demand and I was astonished they wanted yesterday I almost said "seriously?" but started into it and I nearly couldn't finish it for starting to "lose it" all those once vibrate bodies and faces and minds and lives the memory of it kills me even as I type en route to the same
for me, Velveeta is gourmet, better even. Kraft got gunked up w/ some tanic chemical starting in the COVID era, forced me to "upgrade" the cheese (food) game. Of course, Real Deal Cheese is still as good as ever (Muenster, I am looking at you).
This is the last *full* day at the apartment Inquiry. I move on to Ben Nor Aparments across town to have a better/longterm abode. I won't go into BN details, as I did so in the mast on M.p and e-mail, I think.
Friends and foes alike are taking a break online these days - people in the form of friends/frenemies, and foes in the form of writing/publishing on the Web. IRC and e-mail still scratches the itch of...everything, in terms of what I do or/and want to do online. The volunteer stuff gets the blood flowing hella great.
And not to politico the pub, but I saw the debate, I felt sorry for Prez B, as I would honestly feel sorry/pity for anyone who is getting run over so badly in a public forum. As for the political front, I (as always) wish we had a candidate(s) less aromatic of s*** to choose from, but it's war-mongers and power-chasers on both sides, both ideological, and none of it musters around to serving the People of the US (that is, laws by/for citizens, et al). But painting a sentence with political shades immediately gets the "know-I'm-right's" out of the woodwork, so I'll park the BS and just vote one way or another :)
Sorry for the flubbed senior performance. Some of them may have even seen The Beatles live, so don't feel bad for not measuring up to John/Paul.
stay well!