Here I sit. Back from clubhouse after a day of cooking, cleaning, et al. A few quick smokes were had in the sunroom/smoking area at the place I am at until Monday (basically a short term "bed" (really a single-room occupancy) at a old folks home). Here a moment, gone another. Reading The Midnight daily (capital D and it becomes a newspaper!) :)
I will be at Ben Nor Apartments Monday afternoon. A place of 100% solace, refuge, calm, quiet, and complete and total ambiguity. As I need it.
Glad for the place here for the few days I am here, tho
Nothing of particular fascination to log at the moment. Confirmation from the new property that yes, my mail has been forward, and yes my packages are waiting (a leather case for a Field Notes notebook, and a three pack of said notebooks. Will do a small log/Dossier thing going forward. A disposable notebook with replace-able pages for reminders and tasks and lists. Longer term items such as calendar, emwrgwncy contact, medical info, etc within the pages of the Field Notes notebook. And then I'll just throw f*** all I to the wind and keep my leather cardholder/wallet in a sleeve in the case, too. A one-pocket, go-to carry-all to reference for...anything
Like with payments and notes and reminders, all can be done via phone - but I remind myself to check reminders. And slide the cards/pay with cash manually, and take notes with a pen. Hands, the ultimate app!
Unti later...
The song "Midnight Rider" (a favorite) came to mind.
Hey, T!
Glad to hear you've a few days of calm during your move - moving as a whole can be a good thing if you enjoy where you're going (which it sounds like you do!), but the process of moving is certainly not fun, at least in my experience. :-)
There is something to be said for keeping notebooks and paper-based reminders around. While I do have a ton of TODOs and notes scattered throughout my filesystem on my machine, I do often break out my notepad for those more important things - currently have two notepads full of scribbles on my desk beside me, not to mention some stickies on my wall with other notes!
Hope you enjoy your downtime as you get ready to transition to your new place. Cheers!