๐Ÿ‘ฝ glyphli

Just started writing a book on music production! I'm extremely miffed with how a good chunk of the professional producers i've encountered in person treat most of the equipment they use as a magical black box with only surface level understanding of how it does what it does (the analog cult usually being the prime offenders), so the book's going to have a focus on introducing the basics of DSP alongside the more artistic elements of production. A few friends are interested in getting involved (all of whom are absolutely cracked producers) so if all goes well this should end up being an absolute treasure trove of useful knowledge.

10 months ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ userfxnet, arubes, edanosborne, gritty, gyaradong


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๐Ÿ‘ฝ edanosborne

I was just about to start getting into music production (as a hobby). I'd be interested to read your book. ยท 10 months ago