I suppose it's just part of the chaos that comes with any new technology, but I'm getting annoyed by the number of gemini capsules and gopher holes that are disappearing or being abandoned. Half of the capsules I've bookmarked in Lagrange haven't been updated since 2022 and it's making geminispace feel quite lonely, like regular space.
10 months ago · 👍 justyb, arubes, cobradile94
Yeah, makes exploring LEO orbit a pain. All of the broken links… · 10 months ago
I'm sad for the loss of textmonger's capsule, I guess he accounted for 10%+ of the post volume on antenna :) · 10 months ago
This is also the case for a lot of the personal web blogs I'm subscribed to. And a decent number of the people I've followed over the years on Mastodon aren't active any more. You see it with anything that's kept up as a hobby, but especially so with gemini because everything here is done as a hobby. · 10 months ago
This isn't specific to gemini, it's just what happens when people lose interest and abandon things for a while · 10 months ago