started watching three body problem. i know the show differs a bit from the books, which i have yet to read. i'm two episodes in. and there are so many wtf moments. that is a masterpiece of science fiction but i am not sure i like where everything is going. wow!
1 month ago
thanks all! def need to watch the tencent version then. slower pace is fine with me. 路 1 month ago
Oh, and the Netflix version does also give us some conversations between Evans and "Lord" that weren't in the Tencent version. I read the books back in 2020, so I can't remember how the Judgement Day was portrayed and which version was more faithful. Probably somewhere between Netflix's "floating kindergarten" and Tencent's "ship of the damned." It's been a while. 路 1 month ago
The Tencent version is almost exactly what is in the books, except the scenes with CCP officials behaving badly have been removed. Those scenes are in the Netflix version, but much of the rest of the book is not. Between the two, you can work out almost an exact rendering of the first book.
The original Tencent version was pretty slow paced, granted, but I hear there's an "anniversary" cut out now with tighter pacing. 路 1 month ago
I haven't read the books either. I found the basic premise interesting. The execution isn't always great. I ended up watching it on fast forward.
There's a Chinese version which you can find online that apparently is more true to the books. I'm sure you can find subtitles. Personally I'd suggest you check it out before going any further with the English version. 路 1 month ago
def a good show 路 1 month ago