AmiVms.lha (misc/emu)

Simulates OpenVMS commands

m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )


REDPILLGameCreator.lha (dev/misc)

Game Creator with AGA support

m68k-amigaos (trackerhero )


IvoRSS_OS4_1.1.1.lha (comm/news)

Simple RSS (and Atom as well) client

ppc-amigaos (Aleksei Gerasimov)

IvoRSS_OS3_1.1.1.lha (comm/news)

Simple RSS (and Atom as well) client

m68k-amigaos (Aleksei Gerasimov)

IvoRSS_MOS_1.1.1.lha (comm/news)

Simple RSS (and Atom as well) client

ppc-morphos (Aleksei Gerasimov)

ASE2019_1.97.lha (text/edit)

Text editor

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 (Alain Fontanin)


aiostreams.lha (util/batch)

Stream video from major online platforms

generic (George Sokianos)


Dh73_30th.lha (demo/misc)

Ultimate Demo with various Gfx effects

m68k-AmigaOs >= 2.0.0 (Axel)

afetch.lha (util/moni)

Native fetch for MorphOS

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

AmiVms.lha (misc/emu)

Simulates OpenVMS commands

m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )

AmiArcadiaMOS.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

AVAGOMouse.lha (docs/hard)

hack Dell optical mouse for amiga

generic; m68k-amigaos (Szymon Bieganski)


afetch.lha (util/moni)

Native fetch for MorphOS

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

AmiVms.lha (misc/emu)

Simulates OpenVMS commands

m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )


AmiArcadia.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)

AmiArcadia-OS4.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)

AVAGOMouse.lha (docs/hard)

hack Dell optical mouse for amiga

generic; m68k-amigaos (Szymon Bieganski)


Axel30th.lha (demo/misc)

Celebration of the splendid AS 30th year

m68k-AmigaOs >= 2.0.0 (axel77hrm alice it)


cbmlink.lha (comm/misc)

Remote management for CBM computers

m68k-amigaos; ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

AmiGemini.lha (comm/net)

Gemini + Spartan browser

m68k-amigaos >= 3.0 (Karl Jeacle)


cbmlink.lha (comm/misc)

Remote management for CBM computers

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)


c2nload.lha (comm/misc)

Load files to 8-bit computers via C2N232

m68k-amigaos; ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

c2n.lha (comm/misc)

Decoder and encoder for tape formats

m68k-amigaos; ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal) (misc/emu)

Kickstart for UAE that boots as a QL

other (Stefan Haubenthal)

2022-07-19 (util/wb)

Desktop weather forecast

i386-aros (Marcus Fernstrom)


abandonmi2ext.lha (pix/gicon)

Another abandon icon set AROS extention

generic (mason masonicons de)

abandonmi2.lha (pix/gicon)

Another abandon icon set for AmigaOS4

generic (mason/masonicons de) (util/misc)

Versatile Amiga Test Program

m68k-amigaos >= 1.1 (J.J. Caspers)

RNOPDF_OS4.lha (gfx/show)

Compact PDF viewer

ppc-amigaos (jPV^RNO)

RNOPDF_OS3.lha (gfx/show)

Compact PDF viewer

m68k-amigaos; ppc-warpup (jPV^RNO)

RNOPDF.lha (gfx/show)

Compact PDF viewer

ppc-morphos (jPV^RNO)

RNOArchive_OS4.lha (util/arc)

Graphical archive manager

ppc-amigaos (jPV^RNO)

RNOArchive_AROS.lha (util/arc)

Graphical archive manager

i386-aros (jPV^RNO)

RNOArchive_68k.lha (util/arc)

Graphical archive manager

m68k-amigaos (jPV^RNO)

RNOArchive.lha (util/arc)

Graphical archive manager

ppc-morphos (jPV^RNO)

AmiArcadiaMOS.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

AmiArcadia.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)

AmiArcadia-OS4.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)


ViNCEd.lha (util/shell)

ViNCEd, the CON: with ^Z & TAB Expand

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.0 (Thomas Richter)

Hunk.lha (dev/misc)

Editor for hunk structure of binary files with GUI

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.0 (Thomas Richter)

COP.lha (dev/debug)

Low Level Debugger

m68k-amigaos (Thomas Richter)

AmiArcadia.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (James Jacobs)

AmiArcadia-OS4.lha (misc/emu)

Signetics-based machines emulator

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0 (James Jacobs)


evo.lha (dev/e)

E-VO: Amiga E Evolution

m68k-amigaos >= 2.0.4 (Darren Coles)

AmiVms.lha (misc/emu)

Simulates OpenVMS commands

m68k-amigaos (kwwoolridge )


wet_update.lha (util/wb)

Wet weather info patch to v6.9

ppc-amigaos >= 4.0.0; m68k-amigaos >= 3.9.2 (Chris Young)

NoJob.mp3 (mods/mpg)

A motif made by Stefano Maria Regattin

generic (Stefano Maria Regattin)

AnalogClock.lha (util/time)

Resizeable analog transparent clock

m68k-amigaos >= 1.2.0 (Stefano Maria Regattin)


nextvi.lha (text/edit)

Next vi clone

ppc-morphos (Stefan Haubenthal)

hippoplayerupdate.lha (mus/play)

Updated HippoPlayer

m68k-amigaos >= 1.2 (K-P Koljonen)

[Older Entries]