👽 jose

I'm learning how to use linux and explore the geminispace at the same time. It's not a good idea, but at least I'm not bored. I learned a little about certificates and keys, and where they're stored on my ubuntu computer. Finding a client and trying to get it installed on my computer was a nightmare for me, but I got it done, finally...after 2 hours. I wish I can share something more useful, but that's all I have. I do have to say, I like cosmic.voyage, particularly DJ Biggiepants' log entries. I'm looking forward to seeing more from there.

9 months ago · 👍 userfxnet, jo, danrl, clseibold


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2 Replies

👽 danrl

that’s an impressive learning curve! you are going strong! · 9 months ago

👽 jo

That's how I learned all that too! Gemini is pretty much the main reason I learned how to use the shell · 9 months ago