馃懡 haze

Follow-up, exactly is promiting privacy left or right? I've seen arguments both sides and I don't see a clear picture.

3 months ago


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5 Replies

馃懡 breakfast_champion

Our fake democracies are run by secret organizations that thrive on spying on citizens. So whatever party reaches the top instantly becomes a big defender of "national security", which translates to "whatever the spy agencies want". So there is no party defending privacy, and no left-right divide on this topic. On the surface, if you pay the least attention, every party promotes privacy and freedom of speech for their party, but restricting privacy and freedom of speech of their opponents. Depending on who is in power at the moment, they will temporarily defend privacy or freedom of speech. But only temporarily. No Earthly power denies itself the pleasure of wearing the One Ring. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 half_elf_monk

The Left/Right divide in american politics doesn't describe everything. I'd bet a moderate amount of rapidly-failing U$D that the ones against privacy are 'Deep State' or 'Tech Lobby', while a grassroots base from either side of the otherwise-acrimonious aisle want secure, private data. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 istvan

Not everything aligns cleanly to politics. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 justyb

And I just mention that one thing, it's a diverse topic that's been talked to near death in DC. So if the picture seems muddy, it's because it's a muddy topic. 路 3 months ago

馃懡 justyb

That's because neither major political party has solidified positons on privacy. It's a complex topic that doesn't have clear left or right leanings.

Both want to allow some privacy, but for various reasons want the privacy removed in particular situations or particular reasons.

Regulation that doesn't go far enough is too water down for Democrats and regulation that goes too far is stepping on free enterprise for Republicans.

The confusing back and forth is considered by some just a way Congress is finding some sort of balance. Others see it as inaction. So, you're correct to be confused. 路 3 months ago