👽 haze

Sometimes. actually often, I fotgot I work for one of the "big tech" companies. I don't know if this is cognitive dissonance or something, but I feel like I'm living 2 works. One that people want me to work on and anothing I personally is against and wants to avoid.

3 months ago


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1 Reply

👽 danrl

big tech pays well. and with that paycheck i can do good things in the world, like restoring the small part of nature that i own. capitalism and ownership can be used for good, if we behave accordingly as individuals. as always in life: we have to play the cards we have been dealt.

i don’t feel the dissonance in working for big tech strongly, although there are a lot of products that we make that i think are more harmful than good to some people. but who am i to decide for those people? · 3 months ago