Currently toying with the idea of writing a Gemini server that runs on AWS Lambda, as a very inexpensive way to “self”-host a capsule. I haven’t been able to find any similar projects yet…anyone know of any?
3 months ago · 👍 mimas
As far as I can tell, Lambda can host arbitrary services, not just http (I haven’t tried yet). It feels like a natural fit for a capsule because traffic will be low, so why pay for an always-on server when you can spin up an instance on demand to handle the ~hundred requests you might get in a day? I bet you could host a capsule serving static files for a few dollars per year… · 3 months ago
Actually I wanted a Gemini server self-hosted on a Raspberry Pi. Also got really good tips here I would also be interested in info on Gemini server & AWS lambda. Does that make sense with AWS lambda? As for the Raspberry Pi, it seems that you can't just use an LTE stick and dyndns together (in the German mobile network) That would have been a prerequisite for me. If anyone has info on LTE sticks and dynDNS and it works, I would be very interested in info! Thanks a lot · 3 months ago