< How many successful hoop jumps does it take to make disparate (despair-ate?) software work together?


I've thought of going to the hyper-efficient, low-frictopn route of a ChroneOS device with a Google Fi SIM inside (SIM acquired, awaiting my phone to be "released" from Cricket Wireless). The Chrome device would be a Chromebook Duet 3 from Lenovo, a tablet/"laptop" deal. And then making the thing full Ubuntu, as Amoroso and others on Mastodon have shown how to effectively activate full Linux (in Chromes case, Ubuntu) on a ChromeOS device. I messed with "Linux (beta)" stuff on ChromeOS in 2020, but want to use it that way full tilt.

Of course I will not do most/any of this. Sticking with Debian on the HP14, or FreeBSD when I have the FREE time (haha) to fuck with it. The fi SIM will go in a Nighthawk router sometime.

Always wanting things simple

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

Always wanting things simple

Oh yes. Less details implies less devil. Tired thing/methodology accompanying horns and pitchforks.
