Aoife McManus, 8 Jul
New planning application, for the shop and café with associated car
parking, at lands immediately north Limavady town Drumsurn Road, were
recently submitted to the council’s planning portal as part of a farm
diversification venture.
The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs’ (DAERA)
Countryside Management Inspectorate Branch responded by confirming that
the existing farm had been in operation for at least six years, having
been opened in 2015.
NI Water recommended that the current application be refused.
They stated: “As the site is located wholly or partially within the
Wastewater Treatment Work’s odour consultation zone boundary, an Odour
Encroachment Assessment is required to determine the compatibility of
these proposals with the existing operation of the Wastewater Treatment
The application will be presented to members for decision at a future
planning committee meeting.