๐Ÿ‘ฝ breakfast_champion

Feeling unhappy once more about social media. Stumbled upon a promising think piece, only to discover its author is a kind of borderline James Somerton plagiarist-grifter who talks in soothing tones so everything he says sounds profound and important whle shilling product. What's worse than junk food is artificial rice made of plastic, or whole wheat bread made of saw dust. The cultural dumpster divers these "thinkers" rail against serve better food. At least the lies are loaded with salt and sugar rather than dry and tasteless self-importance.

I post this because I can't post a reply there, because I don't login to anything, no matter what. Another reminder why I'm here, and not there.

5 days ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ edanosborne, lykso


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2 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ chirale

I'm on X and Linkedin and I listen YouTube a lot. YouTube is full of gurus. X has some niche contents by specialists but a lot of crappy behaviour. Linkedin seems a parody of the corporate discourse but Learning (a paid service) is not bad. I'll appreciate context (link), maybe he is someone I've already listened. ยท 5 days ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ userfxnet

where was this at, facebook, twitter? there's all sorts of phonies, imposters, and scoundrels amongst those avenues without a single original thought. it's no use trying to seek valuable resource in those avenues much these days. ยท 5 days ago