It has been ages again. My personal life has been almost completely eaten by work. I am OK. I feel a bit better. I will be on holiday soon, which is great! I have a trip to Germany planned for my vacation and I am really looking forward to it! First stop will be Berlin, then Hamburg, then Frankfurt, maybe with another stop in between.
1 week ago 路 馃憤 bavarianbarbarian
@bavarianbarbarian to be fair, I am actually not going to Frankfurt, it's just roughly the area where the family of my partner is living. As for the other places - I am hoping I will have many more chances to see less obviously touristy destinations in the future! But I have never been to Berlin and I always wanted to, so I am actually excited about it. Will I be disappointed? Probably not: I will still have the good company, lots of history relevant places and a Natural History museum with a really large dinosaur. :) 路 1 week ago
do yourself a favour and do not go to this shitholes... berlin, hamburg and frankfurt. this is not what you want to see from germany... try go hiking to the Grosse Arber or visit the Walhalla, drink some Weltenburger beer and visit the Donaudurchbruch, these cities are just bullshit... trust me, i have been there... 路 1 week ago
@userfxnet Thank you! :) 路 1 week ago
Enjoy your trip, and welcome back into the geminispace! :D 路 1 week ago