The peak of humanity happened during primitive Homo Sapiens/Neanderthal era, 40,000 years ago roughly. After that, we are in a process of decadence as species, destruction of our own planet, modern slavery, disconnection from the nature, unsustainable economical system,...
1 week ago
If i were to place this protocol in the frame of a time period (as I believe the fact this network exists as a sign of being a development for human benefit) in an ideal world -- this place belongs in the future, PAST all this reckless embittered conflict, this split in morality, rational to irrational mindsets, making exploit to control others. A future which values the importance in sharing ideas and inviting participation, away from the sensationalism of the web. This place is hope for better days. Forget looking to the past. It's what got us here. We shouldn't forget it, but it's time to give the past the slip, look ahead, and build new traditions. 路 1 week ago
You present the possibility those societies were humane and simple more over modern states, which although might be arguable in comparison, the fact is neither of us will ever or could ever know what the truth of what those societies truly entailed.
It's possible, the likeliest reality, involves a mix of what @breakfast_champion illustrates in tandem to what you argue -- there were shaman and veteraned leaders who imparted wisdom on their tribes towards rational thoughtful developments meanwhile the warlords and conquerors-despite connecting to gather in the name of one tribe-bide for pillaging others or even defecting and, as history will show you, almost always leads to rival tribes. 路 1 week ago
@yamato when I say 'a place like this' I refer directly to not only Station (which we're discussing on) but the Gemini protocol as a whole, if it's believed that the peak of Humanity as a society were 40k years ago.
If you mean to point out as it relates to the nature of human's empathy and goal for survival, fulfillment, wisdom (as you specify being separate from having to do with 'tech'; the tribes and theology of that time might hold esteem in an archive of knowledge like this. They might reserve it for those they deem worthy of posessing the knowledge to utilize it. Still, eventually, there'll be some exploit by somebody who slips by the cracks. 路 1 week ago
I disagree. 40,000 years ago people were just like us. They would be us if they were living now. That's good to remember when we smugly think we are the best of human kind, or the worst.
40,000 years ago probably 100% of geminauts would be somebody's bitch. I'm not sure if that qualifies as a superior way of life. I like physically weak human specimins having the space to unfold their intellect. I don't care if people were more heroic during the bronze age. They were also more dead. More brutal. More like animals.
Is being an animal better than being a human? Maybe. It's also far worse in 100 ways I can think of off the top of my head. 路 1 week ago
@softwarepagan I am not talking specifically about technology, but about society as a whole. Sadly, as you say, someone made us slaves of what we believe makes us free and/or happy. 路 1 week ago
@userfxnet I'm not sure what you mean with "a place like this" but I love simple things and a minimalistic life. We made things too complicated with lots of failure points and exploits. Prehistoric societies where simple and humane. Modern societies nowadays are complicated and inhumane. 路 1 week ago
I'm not sure I'd place the peak quite so far back but I do agree that humanity has been in a downward spiral for... a long time. 路 1 week ago
@userfxnet Not necessarily, I mean, if this person wants to convince people of their point of view and effect any change, they will have to use technology to do so. Also, we don't always have the luxury of acting in accordance with our ideas. I, for example, both hate smartphones and also use one. I hate capitalism and yet I work as a wage earner within it. 路 1 week ago
If what you're saying is true then wouldn't taking part in a place like this, however low tech it might be compared to other protocols and network technologies, be just as much part of what you're pointing out? Peace to you. 路 1 week ago