I've been on vacation for a week. It's been great. I've done a bunch of dabbling.
I've been trying out SFML and wrote some simple (really simple) trigonometry + C++ stuff, which had the pleasing feeling of solving a puzzle. I'm pretty sure that's the high I'm always looking to chase when programming but which rarely comes up in my real life.
Early on in the break I tested a mic amplifier design (someone else's) by doing very sketchy non-SMT soldering of a tiny part. It worked. Now I feel slightly honour-bound to follow the whole project through: I've designed a PCB in EasyEDA (my first time using that) and I have four convincing failures of a milled PCB done with FlatCAM/bCNC and my 3018 mill. Still: the next one has a reasonable chance of working.
In anticipation of it working, I've even gotten some solder paste so I can try and reflow the parts using hot-air. I've never done this, either.
Other stuff: re-organizing the office is its own distraction. I repaired a broken Razer Blackwidow keyboard (bad USB lead) but it's still kind of iffy and I'm not totally sure why -- seems like sometimes when it's plugged in it fails USB negotiation. But sometimes it works.
I took the screen from my scrap X131e and a controller board from eBay and I was able to fit it (pretty perfectly, with hot glue) into the case I still had from a different broken LCD. Repair win. It now occurs to me that the screen that I bought (and broke) was probably also recycled from a dead laptop or tablet. That would be nice.
I finished Termination Shock (which was great), the latest Murderbot Diary (which was short, but they're comfortable reads) and I've started on Hyperion. Not loving it so far, but many people do, so perhaps I need to give it longer.