Getting your politics from the Internet


I consume quite a bit of political content -- mostly on YouTube (by following a handful of "bread-tubers") and even here on Gemini. That leads me to believe that I have some opinions of my own on some political topics. And so I'll go into "the real world" and get into "debates" -- usually having a strong opinion and sometimes being quite aggressive. And so it happened a couple of times already, that I've embarrassed myself. Or the debate was unhelpful and ends in a dead-end.

I've come to the following conclusion -- I will not get my politics from social networks. It's good entertainment and those content creators mean well but all of it is just not enough.

Worst case scenario -- I'll do more harm than good and turn people away from good ideas.

I seem to enjoy politics and I will try to get more into it. Do my own reading and thinking. I could make this my little research project (something I wanted to do for quite a while). And then, when I'm a bit more knowledgeable, maybe a could talk to some real people about politics.