Just went through a precalculus test. I hope university is the real path for me
2 weeks ago
So I have 4 degrees. 1- Community College General Studies, 2- Elmira College Classical Studies, 3- VSE Masters Cert Eastern Europe Studies, 4- Paul Smith's Surveying Tech. I have had the longest and best paid salaries working in civil engineering as a technician, Survey/Engineering/Drafting. This was built off attitude and that 2 year degree in surveying., but also working in sectors like energy and pipeline. It's not just what you know but where the work is needed and what they are paying. Do I use that BA in Classics, yes. Do I translate Ancient Greek much, no. Ā· 2 weeks ago
@gritty true! I personally love what Iām studying (biology) but I still wonder if things will drastically change from this year to the next.. maybe I WILL end up being an electrician! Who knows! Ā· 2 weeks ago
100% support higher education, but I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if I picked up a trade, like electrician. Ā· 2 weeks ago