Living in Florida for the last 20 odd years, I really miss what the fall season is like up north. I spent the first half of my life living mostly in NY, so the fall colors and cooler weather always brought in the start of the holidays, and long walks with my cameras taking photos of the changing leaves.
Florida can't give me that. Just like it can't give me snow as a backdrop for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sure, the warm weather year round has it's advantages too. But even after all these years, it's never felt completely like home and that's definitely part of why.
9 months ago 路 馃憤 astroseneca, gritty, director
@gritty That makes sense yeah. Though 20 odd years can change a lot in people and places. The last time I was there was about 6 years ago, and it felt surprisingly similar to what I remember. It was a boon to me nostalgically, but at the same time I've changed a lot over the last 20 odd years. I 路 8 months ago
@xoagray definitely understand. however I feel like I "know" the people that live where I grew up. I moved and the people here have a different personality, when taken as a whole. 路 8 months ago
@gritty I'm not quite sure where would feel like home to me at this point. Most of the people I knew in NY have either moved away or passed on over the time I've been away. So even going back there wouldn't quite feel like home anymore. I do know this though, I ireally want my next move to be the last one. I've never really been able to put down roots. 路 8 months ago
definitely a draw to living where you grew up. you move but it doesn't feel like home. 路 9 months ago