In the past, when someone asked me why I was vegetarian, I'd say cows were too ugly to eat. But the real reason was that I didn't like killing animals. I'm not against other people eating meat, but I figure if you do you better be okay with killing animals. Some say "You don't have to kill them, the butcher does." To me it's immoral not to take responsibility for what you do. I would eat an animal if I killed it. But since I don't kill animals, I don't eat them. This perspective on vegetarianism allows me to avoid absolutism, and to respect people who make other choices. But I still find it strange when I realize how many people eat meat.
1 month ago 路 馃憤 lykso, bavarianbarbarian, ruby_witch, devyl, spersin, radish
This is an awesome take. I agree 100% that people who eat meat need to come to terms with what it means to take the life of another being for their food. The best way to do that is to kill the animal you eat yourself. If that鈥檚 not something you can feel good about, eating meat is probably not right for you.
That being said, it鈥檚 appropriate to feel intense grief when killing animals for food and that experience doesn鈥檛 mean that the action is wrong; in fact, grief usually indicates more awareness of what is happening. 路 1 month ago
I recently became a vegetarian again. I'd been vegetarian when I was a Christian, 15 years or so ago now, as a sure-fire way to opt out of supporting factory farms. I started eating meat again after finding local ethical suppliers, but that turned into a slippery slope for me. After becoming an atheist, I eventually found that respecting the sentience others is pretty foundational to my sense of morality. I found that eating meat was inconsistent with that, so I stopped. 路 1 month ago
I am more of justyb's opinion. I can reduce meat consumption to 1-2 days / week, preferring the least processed meat possible. Health benefits (e.g. reducing colorectal cancer probability) by maintaining the intake of protein and vitamins. In the meantime I try new sources of protein. 路 1 month ago
Great take on the matter. On the flip side, I grew up on a farm in rural Tennessee and every bit of meat we ate came from our farm. I still live out in rural Tennessee and I still have very close ties to where my food comes from and any chicken I eat comes from my coop.
I'll say this for the vegetarians, I think they've got a slight point. Meat when I grew up was maybe once a week, if that. Pretty much things from our garden were the staples of our diet, with milk, oats, and sorghum cereals from farms around the community.
I think diets have gotten way too meat heavy. 路 1 month ago
i killed animals to eat them. i didn鈥檛 like it. but taught me respect. consequently, i eat meat maybe 3-4 times per year. and then those that had a happy life and one bad moment, instead of the other way round. eating veggies hasn鈥檛 harmed me at all. i don鈥檛 miss anything. i am grateful for the quarterly piece of high quality, well grown meat. it doesn鈥檛 scale, which is fine. the mass production of meat, allowing plenty of people to consume meat multiple times a week, or even daily, i can not support. our species should treat other species more respectfully. 路 1 month ago so true.... 路 1 month ago
@ruby_witch it was a long way for me to get along with this, but in the end, i am an apex predator. if you are fighting against your nature you can only loose. killing animals just to wear their fur? wrong! treat them without respect?`wrong! be thankful to the great mother gaia that gave its life from an animal to you. 路 1 month ago
@bavarianbarbarian You're absolutely right, and I don't think that way anymore. It was just a trick to allow myself to keep eating meat when I knew I didn't really want to. 路 1 month ago
@ruby_witch to be honest, i don't get it. a fish a living being, you kill it, it is dead. like a cow, pig or anything else you kill to be eaten. don't get me wrong, i don't want to offend you, but i really can't understand that way of thinking. 路 1 month ago
I feel the same way. I was a "pescatarian" for about 6 years, meaning that I only ate fish because I had convinced myself that somehow a fish was different from any other kind of animal. Now I've been vegetarian for 7 years? It helped to have had partners who were vegetarian as well, they kept me honest, no cheating! :) 路 1 month ago
i was a vegatarian and a vegan for many years, i know what you mean. i have killed my own food, i know what it is to grab in guts, blood and shit. evolution has humans designed to eat everything. i fscking hate zoos, circus and that shit where animals are treated like shit. but eating them is a part of the human nature, like a tiger is eating a zebra. one of my best friends is a butcher and he always had respect for the 'prey'. he petted them lovely, talked to them lovley until the final hour. idk the right word for 'schlachtschussapparat', but that device kills instead with a hard shot to the brain. respect the life that animal you took from. 路 1 month ago