tl;dr: You can prefix+w to see and switch between all the tmux sessions and windows within each session for each running on your host, and it’s awesome.
For years I would detach from the current session, run tmux list-sessions, find the session I wanted, and then attach to that session. Somewhere in the last six months to a year I accidentally hit prefix+w and now I don’t bother detaching.
I used to view each separate session as though it were a different running process, but there’s only one tmux process that ever runs and then all the sessions are connected to that. This was really driven home when I started customizing my tmux configuration, as I was editing the configuration in one tmux session and then trying to launch another session and didn’t get why it wouldn’t pick up my configuration changes. I had to tell tmux to source the file because tmux was already running.
updated: 2024-01-23 12:19:14
generated: 2024-07-08